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Looking for a team of about 4-6

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Hey whats up guys!

I am build a little team for DayZ! I am just looking for about 4-6 people including myself,

I usually play the role of a bandit because if you don't know the person before time they are not your teammate.

if your interested just fill out the form! All you have to be is semi familiar with the game.

BTW I live stream most all game play in HD so I hope that is cool with you!


Age (Anyone 14+):


Time Zone:

Times you can play(Example: 3PM-10PM, weekdays only.):

Skill Level(1-10):

Type of player(Sniper, Communications expert, Driver, Pilot, Etc. [you can be multiple]):



Thanks and good luck!

Edited by Devastator4455
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Hello Devastator, I am currently in a group known as BLOOD, about 15 people, but, we currently play on a good friends server that is fairly new. The map is Celle, private hive of course. We are looking for a leader to create a opposition group on this server. This server usually has around 10 people on it, and at prime times at night more than 20. We would provide you and your group with a teamspeak 3 shared with BLOOD, you would of course get permissions, any channels you want, and any ranks that you wish! If interested, please hop on teamspeak and ask for Michael at, or PM me on the forums! Thanks bud!

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hey mate,

my friend and i are interested in joining your team, we are alright at sniping and are good drivers. were not very familiar with the game but we are fast learners if u can teach us,


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Age: 17

Country: USA

Timezone: Est

Time i play: not too much on weekdays sometime between 8-11, on weekends i play a lot, friday usually all day, saturday and sunday in the morning 8-12 and late at night 11-3

Skill: 7-8

Type of player: Haven't sniped in a bit but used to be pretty good at it, know how to drive almost anything in the gMe, if I have to i can get a heli from a to b but nothing fancy, good at close quarters especially assault rifles

Steam: meganichtlustig

Skype: tomatengelee

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