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Looking for plugin developers (C#, admin, knowledge of logs)

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Greetings Dayz server community!

To get down to the nitty gritty right away, in cooperation with the developers of Gotcha Antihack (http://www.gotcha-antihack.com/), I have had the honor of writing a plugin system for Gotcha. This system is now released and in testing phase.

This means that every server running Gotcha Antihack will be able to run plugins made by you. I am looking for people who have programming skills in C# to develop plugins for Gotcha. These plugins can do a lot of things, and don't necessarily have to do anti-hack stuff.

Some example I am working on right now and/or have the idea of implementing:

  • Extended / custom anti-hack (I won't go into detection details here, but server admins reading logs can figure a few things out themselves)
  • Automatic combat log banner
  • Command line server to be operated through chat in-game (ask players questions, vote kick, anything you can think of)
  • Keep track of player kill / death count, stats per weapon (server top 10 max range shot per weapon? Personal high scores?), pretty much any stat you can gather from logs

I'm pretty sure we can think of a lot more beautiful features that can be implemented through these plugins. During development, I tried to make it as easy as possible for a plugin creator to create a plugin. It was important for me to have people spend time on creating functionality rather than making a custom log fetcher, login to server and everything else that comes with it.

If you are interested in writing a plugin yourself, and/or want more information, please contact me on Skype: xanker1 is my Skype name. If you don't have Skype or got a question about anything else, just post below here.

The system is not finished yet and far from final, but a very large part of it is. It is possible however, to start developing plugins right away.

Here's to eliminating every hacker on DayZ!


Edited by Wotuu

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Nice initiative, I had planned to write some stuff in C# that would cover the combat log bans and the PKill data from the logs.

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But you didn't? ;)

I almost got those two working, just finishing up the combat log ban code as we speak. If you're interested in writing a plugin, let me know! Can be anything you want / deem useful to the community.

Edit: And thanks by the way! Still looking for developers, don't be shy :]

Edited by Wotuu

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What are you actually looking for? I do have a little idea about how to detect BattlEye bypasses but haven't gotten around to test it yet. The problem is, once it's public hackers will most likely workaround it. :lol:

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Basically looking for people who know how to read logs, and want to create a plugin to take action against said log (or logs). So for example, if I know that pattern abcd is a known hack, you could write a plugin that bans for pattern abcd.

This and much more is possible, but that's a simple example for starters.

Edit: I tried to make something that detects log bypassing, and it would work if the bypass worked that way. But I don't think so, plus it gets false positives. The problem is that I don't know exactly what a bypasser logs and what not :P

Edited by Wotuu

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Basically looking for people who know how to read logs, and want to create a plugin to take action against said log (or logs). So for example, if I know that pattern abcd is a known hack, you could write a plugin that bans for pattern abcd.

This and much more is possible, but that's a simple example for starters.

I'll pass. :)

Edit: I tried to make something that detects log bypassing, and it would work if the bypass worked that way. But I don't think so, plus it gets false positives. The problem is that I don't know exactly what a bypasser logs and what not :P

Let's just hope it's not the same method as mine.. that would suck.. :P

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Does it have to be C#? Never looked into it but can C# import C plugins? That would be much better IMO. I have created my own rcon tool in C which is completely modular based but i havn't got around to finishing it.

How are the plugins done? Are they proper dlls or are they like a certain BF3 rcon where its a simple C# file loaded into the application?

Sounds like an interesting idea though and i may be interested in making a plugin or two :)

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Does it have to be C#? Never looked into it but can C# import C plugins? That would be much better IMO. I have created my own rcon tool in C which is completely modular based but i havn't got around to finishing it.

How are the plugins done? Are they proper dlls or are they like a certain BF3 rcon where its a simple C# file loaded into the application?

Sounds like an interesting idea though and i may be interested in making a plugin or two :)

I'm currently working out all the details in tutorials etcetera, which will be ready by friday. You can read all about it by then (I'll post a link in this topic, so if you follow this topic you'll see it the moment I post it) I'm not sure if it *has* to be C#, the plugin system uses MEF (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd460648.aspx) to load DLLs. If you can find a way to use MEF with C, then yes, it's possible. It's worth giving it a shot, if you can include the MEF framework in C it's possible.

To answer your question, the plugins are proper DLLs. You have to create your own project, and build it as a DLL.

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There's one problem.. gotcha is a remote tool that is (mostly) useful only when connected to the server h24. And here you have the "nonsense": you chose to run a server remotely to have it indipendent and always on, having another server h24 on (even if it's your PC) means you need to have two servers (dayz + gotcha) somewhere. More features you add to it, more the game server will be dependant of your "home" server .. and what if i need to go for a week out, or if my home pc dies.. or simply because i don't wanna pay the electric bill having my PC on during the night while i'm sleeping (considering that im already paying the dayz server rental)? We need something that is directly linked to the dayz server.. preferrable on the same machine.. and so you need to collaborate with the server host.

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There's one problem.. gotcha is a remote tool that is (mostly) useful only when connected to the server h24. And here you have the "nonsense": you chose to run a server remotely to have it indipendent and always on, having another server h24 on (even if it's your PC) means you need to have two servers (dayz + gotcha) somewhere. More features you add to it, more the game server will be dependant of your "home" server .. and what if i need to go for a week out, or if my home pc dies.. or simply because i don't wanna pay the electric bill having my PC on during the night while i'm sleeping (considering that im already paying the dayz server rental)? We need something that is directly linked to the dayz server.. preferrable on the same machine.. and so you need to collaborate with the server host.

This is not something that's open for discussion in this thread. You are right, Gotcha is however running server-side on Vilayer servers, so there is indeed some collaboration going on. If you want to discuss this issue, please open a thread at http://forum.gotcha-antihack.com/!

Let's try to keep the discussion to the plugins here :]

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It's a client side application, using RCON just like anything else. You can however run it on the server, but only if the server hoster permits it (I think Vilayer is the only hoster that offers/offered that).

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I would be more interested in knowing what framework was before committing. I'm still planning to do my log parser but looking at a safe way to action players first (i.e. how to connect PlayerUIDs to GUIDs)

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Thank you for your interest. As stated a few replies above here, by tomorrow I'll have all the tutorials and documentation set up, then you can see how it's put together. Then by the time Gotcha releases the plugin system you can start developing. (Shouldn't be too long afterwards, I'll ask, but if it takes too long we can work something out to get you guys developing if you're interested still.)

I've already created stuff that gets a list of survivors with their GUID, IP, player# etc. Of course I'll be happy to receive feedback once you got the chance to see how it's done!

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I'm done writing all documentation etc, and it's all up and running, but I'm waiting now for the other developers to do their stuff. When they're ready and the new version is released, I think it'll open up for everyone to read. No clue when that's going to happen though. If you can't wait meanwhile, contact me (see original post)!

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Still looking for people who are willing to help the community out.

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