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Looking for a clan, or squad to join

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Who am I? My name is Danny, I'm 16 years old and from Denmark. I played DayZ for a few weeks and I feel like I got quite a good hand around it by now, though I never tried finding, fixing or driving a vehicle. But I know how to survive, how to act serious when needed, and of course, how to act unserious when theres no need to be serious. I can use TS or Skype, or Mumble, though I got no idea how Mumble works.

What am I looking for? I'm looking for an active group or clan of somekind. They have to know how to be serious when it's needed, but also how to have fun. Cause I don't want to be in a group where you can't have fun or anything. I don't really mind age of people as long as they are quite mature and now how to be serious.

If YOU feel like I'm the one! (Witch I am!) Then add me on my Skype or on my Steam. :)

Skype: dannydg2

Steam: dkcoolboy2

Edited by Spixx

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