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Looking For: Intelligent - Game savvy - Serious Group -19yrs old

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Hello, I'm supernuts or supanuts.

I'm 19 and live in Southern California.

I've been playing DayZ since release and I'm looking for a specific group.

I'm not looking for a massive clan, or a bunch of 13 year olds who want to form a bandit clan.

I'm looking for a group of MATURE gamers. Not only mature, but actually good at the game, good at calling out directions, good at sniping/close combat, good at communicating without screaming and yelling.

Basically, I want a group that plays DayZ/Wasteland/Other ARMA 2 mods and PLAYS THEM WELL.

I love to have fun, have laughs, and a good time. But honestly, the only way I have a good time is when I play with people who are good at the game and give me the highest chance of survival possible.

About myself: I play DayZ, Wasteland, Battlefield 3, Far Cry 3, Planetside 2, etc..

I'm a gamer who loves to interact with people, have a good time, help people out, record videos for YouTube, and play games to the best of my ability. Like I said before, I really only have fun in games when I'm with a group of people that really know what they are doing and get the job done. I'm an intellectual gamer. I'm neither a bandit nor a hero in DayZ, I react to other players however I deem neccessary for that certain situation. I'm not a dick player who camps spawns or kills unarmed players for luls. Me shooting a player depends entirely on if the situation is high risk or low risk. High risk meaning that the player has a good chance of blowing my head off, low risk meaning I'm almost certain the player doesn't see me or cannot defend himself.

Anyway, if you agree with any of rant here, please post saying how you feel about it.

If you have a group that you think I would fit into and benefit, please PM me immedately.

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Blood Brigade is Recruiting! ts55.gameservers.com:9231

We do have alot of mature gamers, such as Ex-Military and Fathers. We do also have some Teenagers. Sixteen is our age limit. we have made an exception or two because the kid proved himself. But We do not deal with immaturity. Contact Lone Wolf, Daddy, Josh, or Ledus in Teamspeak if you are interested.

- You seem like an interesting person. We would be delighted to have you as an addition to the team.

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Hi mate, if your looking for a mature 18+ group visit us at www.team-aftershocks.com

Just register on our forums and we'll have someone with you in no time, I'll get you on TS so you can play with us guys.

We currently run a Panthera server which is loaded with vehicles and weapons to help you survive your upmost.

Cheers and hope to hear from you soon!

Ash/Secrets - ShoX DayZ server admin team.

Edited by Secrets

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I noticed your play PS2, our community is f*cking crazy for that game at the moment, seriously check us out you won't be disappointed!


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Thanks for all the feedback. I'll check them out and see what best suits me.

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Divine Knights gaming clan has started a DayZ division in anticipation of the DayZ standalone.

We are a group of players of different play styles come together not just to survive but thrive.

Sometimes we hunt other players, sometimes we scavenge, sometimes we build. Hell,

sometimes we kill each other. But above all, we work as a team to ensure group survival. And

when push comes to shove, we back each other and fight together as a dominating force.

We are looking for mature players at least 18 years of age, with good communication skills,

plays the game as it's meant to be played, no combat logging, no cheating / hacking, team

player, not afraid to sacrifice for the good of the team, similar interests / play styles.

Check out some of our random DayZ clips by our member Jean13ob at http://www.youtube.c...ean13o13/videos

Contact Us:

Play with us on our server:

DKGC Private Hive - DayZ Celle

Check out the Divine Knights main site at http://divineknightsclan.com

And register in our forums and meet the Knights at http://divineknights...forum/forum.php

Add the leaders on steam as well.

Master General: Radica - Terra_Nova_11

Lt. General: Strigoi357 - mjp23@aol.com

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hey, iam intrested in joining a mature group just like you

Mainly looking for like 2-6 ish team size that goes fighting against other squads (pvp)

Name: Floris

age: 24

From: netherlands

experience: Not alot in dayz yet only played it for like 2/3 weeks

Role: intrested in sniping but mainly using assault rifle cause thats what i mostly find

Time i play: at the moment bout all day but once a i found a job probely from 19.00-00.00 (atm i played from morning til late in the night though)

I do wanna add though that i want to play on a server with antihacks/anything that stop the hackers (preffered ser size 30-60)

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