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Looking for 3-5 People

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hey, iam intrested in joining a mature group just like you

Mainly looking for like 2-6 ish team size that goes fighting against other squads (pvp)

Name: Floris

age: 24

From: netherlands

experience: Not alot in dayz yet only played it for like 2/3 weeks

Role: intrested in sniping but mainly using assault rifle cause thats what i mostly find

Time i play: at the moment bout all day but once a i found a job probely from 19.00-00.00 (atm i played from morning til late in the night though)

I do wanna add though that i want to play on a server with antihacks/anything that stop the hackers (preffered ser size 30-60)

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hey, iam intrested in joining a mature group just like you

Mainly looking for like 2-6 ish team size that goes fighting against other squads (pvp)

Name: Floris

age: 24

From: netherlands

experience: Not alot in dayz yet only played it for like 2/3 weeks

Role: intrested in sniping but mainly using assault rifle cause thats what i mostly find

Time i play: at the moment bout all day but once a i found a job probely from 19.00-00.00 (atm i played from morning til late in the night though)

I do wanna add though that i want to play on a server with antihacks/anything that stop the hackers (preffered ser size 30-60)

Add me on steam wererobe12/finnishbastard.

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Ill join I am 14 as well and have been looking for a group just like this one.

Add me on steam then.

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Supremus Conquestum

I'm looking for some players who would be interested in joining our little clan on the map celle. It is a mainly PvP based clan rivalling with another clan which we will be sharing the server with. If you like shooting people in the face then you are more than welcome! We are already helping most people who ask nicely, but kill those who take it upon theirselves to attack us, we WILL engage the enemy clan at all times, unless deemed unnecessary by a higher command.


Cook: Cooks food for the group, carry's lots of food, gets food for the group.

Healer: Carry's lots of medical supplies for the group and heals people.

Negotiator: Goes out and talks to survivors for the group.(TENDS TO DIE A LOT)

Mechanic: Carry's vehicle parts and fixes vehicles for the group.( DOESN'T ME HE DRIVES ALL OF THEM)

Driver: Drives group from place to place.(YOU DONT DRIVE HELIS!)

Sniper: Stays out of towns and covers group from afar.(Pretty boring if you ask me...)

Planner: You help plan missions.


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