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Performance after Patch

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Hey guys, after i Instal the latest Patch the perfomenc is down. Befor all Grafik options at Very High now i can not even play on Normal...

Any idears?

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Performance has a lot to do with how the game is optimized. I think this has been said at least 100 times on this forum.

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Nope there are not... same problem 5 FPS...

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Guys i am having the same problem.I thought i was going crazy,i go onto a normal Deathmatch server with around 50 FPS which is good and then go on DayZ with a FPS of 5....I am questioning if it could be my specs,could anyone tell me if im ok?

Nvidia 9600M GT TurboCache

2GB Nvidia Geforce video memory

2.13 GHz intel centrino 2

4GB ram(but its dropped to 3GB)

Note:For some weird reason when i play singleplayer and put all setting to the lowest as can be and it works even the view distance is lower'ed.But when it comes to DayZ i check the setting and they are set to low yet when i look at the game it lags like fuck and the view distance and textures look like a setting around Normal.

Note 2: When i play DayZ i have crappy FPS but when i look up at the sky and run it runs at 40 FPS(anyone else done this?)

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