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Experienced competitive FPS player looking for serious/semisrs group

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Hey guys, I've been playing DayZ & wasteland day and night for about 3-4 weeks now, and I figure its about time to try to find some similarly skilled/experienced players as solo play is sometimes pretty dull, and the people I do know that play don't have nearly the dedication I do

a small about me:


I've been gaming since my third birthday, and gaming competitively since Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear

I have travelled over 5000km to attend FPS tournaments

I have a lot of competitive esports experience, including both tournaments on LAN as well as internet based.

I can fill any role in wasteland, although I do prefer sniping and/or scouting, I also apparently make a really good decoy :P.. I have a lot of experience leading as well as playing support roles, and I like to think I'd have a lot of value in a squad/group of people.

On that note, I do have morals, and I'm not looking for a ruthless bandit squad or any group of players that think killing fresh spawns is fun. I'll kill other bandits or people that are threatening to my group but I will not sit outside of a town with a sole intention of posting up and killing players that do not pose a threat

I have ts/mumble/vent/skype, I also run a 32slot teamspeak server off a dedicated linux box, and have plenty of webdesign/server admin/networking experience so I bring more than just skill [or a lackthereof?] to the table :P

So if you're looking for an active, highly skilled, mature player with a lot of competitive experience to join your ranks please consider contacting me! I plan on playing this right through standalone very hard, something about this game sucks me in

Edited by Illusia
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Divine Knights gaming clan has started a DayZ division in anticipation of the DayZ standalone.

We are a group of players of different play styles come together not just to survive but thrive.

Sometimes we hunt other players, sometimes we scavenge, sometimes we build. Hell,

sometimes we kill each other. But above all, we work as a team to ensure group survival. And

when push comes to shove, we back each other and fight together as a dominating force.

We are looking for mature players at least 18 years of age, with good communication skills,

plays the game as it's meant to be played, no combat logging, no cheating / hacking, team

player, not afraid to sacrifice for the good of the team, similar interests / play styles.

Contact Us:

Check out the Divine Knights main site at http://divineknightsclan.com

And register in our forums and meet the Knights at http://divineknights...forum/forum.php

Add the leaders on steam as well.

Master General: Radica - Terra_Nova_11

Lt. General: Strigoi357 - [email protected]

Edited by strigoi357

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Hello, I would like to invite you to our clan, Bambi Patrol, we are a very selective group of mature players wich pay DayZ as other games too, we have an age restriction from 17+. http://bambipatrol.enjin.com/

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Hi, you are welcome to check us out at The BSB Network. We're a social gaming community that is dedicated to fair and fun gaming. First and foremost we're just a simple, open community for social gamers.

We have around 1600 registered gamers, 400+ of which are Day Z gamers. The community is mostly adult gamers over the age of 20 (well over in most cases!) but there are no age, time or skill requirements - all we ask is you play fair and have a bit of common sense about you! Our members are based all over the world and are on at all times of the day and night, but all speak English and most are based in the UK and Mainland Europe with some in the US too.

We aim to accommodate gamers of all levels; from those who just wish for the occasional hook up with trustworthy decent people, to gamers looking for dedicated groups or clan gaming with regular and organised tactics.

Hi, you are welcome to check us out at The BSB Network. We're a social gaming community that is dedicated to fair and fun gaming. First and foremost we're just a simple, open community for social gamers.

We have around 1600 registered gamers, 400+ of which are Day Z gamers. The community is mostly adult gamers over the age of 20 (well over in most cases!) but there are no age, time or skill requirements - all we ask is you play fair and have a bit of common sense about you! Our members are based all over the world and are on at all times of the day and night, but all speak English and most are based in the UK and Mainland Europe with some in the US too.

We aim to accommodate gamers of all levels; from those who just wish for the occasional hook up with trustworthy decent people, to gamers looking for dedicated groups or clan gaming with regular and organised tactics. Our members are divided into two factions, BSB Scorpions and BSB Ravens, and they fight each other (with a couple of days cease fire) in weekly events.

We also have our own Day Z server (running the awesome Taviana map) and a free public Teamspeak 3 Server so our community can communicate and coordinate their scavenges and raids.

We've been gaming as a community since 2002, so we're not some ad-hoc fly by night clan that's been quickly set up and will be gone in the blink of an eye! There is no obligation to join our clan or any of our affiliated clans/groups to take part in our sessions though, everyone is free to just turn up and get involved with some games.

If you're interested then please take the time check out or website @


and try to hop on our Teamspeak 3 server and say "hi!". Our Teamspeak address is below (click on it to see who’s online playing right now!


Hope to catch you in game soon!

Edited by Box

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thanks for the quick responses!

bumping to continue exploring options for the moment

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Hey Illusia, I Played Dayz For about 9 months till i got sick of hackers but i am looking forward to the dayz standalone. I was wondering if you would want to make a small youtube/streaming squad for the standalone and we could start practicing tonight with tactics etc. reply on here ill be on for a while longer!

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I'm quite busy tonight but we can definitely arrange something for sometime this weekend

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friendly bump, i have been playing with a group of people but they seem to be losing interest/distracted by other games, so I'm once again looking for a group or squad (size really doesn't matter, solo players welcome).. i have skype but i prefer to use teamspeak just for the fact that i have other people living with me that sometimes like to create a lot of background noise (i have my own 32 slot teamspeak server so finding one is not a problem)

i'm also looking for people to put together a wasteland group as i've been playing that quite a bit over the last month and enjoy it a lot

please don't be shy! i'm open to playing with any groups just as long as they're mature

you can normally catch me on the BMRF/rambo.us wasteland servers or by adding illusia to your dzc friends list, as far as dayz servers go i usually just hop around to whatever i'm in the mood for, and i like to play a lot of other maps besides chernarus

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Hey Illusia this is sam again and im going to put a team of Highly trained arma II/ dayz vets together to play The DayZ Standalone if your interested add me on steam 1stGA_Kaiser_Sam

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I am recruiting for Notorious.

We are all 18+ (I think youngest is 24?). We play Wasteland and DayZ.

Several of us are in the armed forces and although we play to have fun and like messing around, we are proud to put tactics to good use and rack up the kills. We swear a lot and give each other a lot of shit - we've been playing together since DayZ release. Right now we have 4 regular players. We had closer to 12 last summer during early DayZ, but have since kicked/lost many.

Check out not.enjin.com, there are a couple highlight videos you can use to judge whether you would like to play with us, and there is a recruitment page if you would like to give us a try.

I've also linked a video here (from our video highlights page) that will give you a pretty good idea of what it would be like to play with us - it's long but pretty comprehensive. Also don't judge the video or editing quality - that wasn't the point.

Two of us stream, you can check those out as well if interested.

http://www.twitch.tv/anammox (me)


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