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help i keep geting no entry bin/config.bin/CfgWeapons

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i dont know what to do i just bought arma downloaded the launcher can someone help me plz

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Q: I get "No entry 'bin\config.bin\CfgVehicles\'" or similar pop-up error message when launching the game or playing on a server

A: Ignore it. It won't affect your game.

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Yes I and all my friends get this message but it doesnt seem to cause any problems. just ignore it.

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then maybe its a diff problem but everytime i try to join a server it just kicks me back to the server select screen

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then maybe its a diff problem but everytime i try to join a server it just kicks me back to the server select screen

Could be any number of things, its an alpha build and things are a bit wobbly.

Are you on the latest beta build of Arma2? and are you joining servers on the same dayz version?

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then maybe its a diff problem but everytime i try to join a server it just kicks me back to the server select screen

1. Did you install the latest Battleye version?

2. Did you install the ARMA beta patches?

3. Are you sure you are running DayZ? (I have to ask after all)

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then maybe its a diff problem but everytime i try to join a server it just kicks me back to the server select screen

1. Did you install the latest Battleye version?

2. Did you install the ARMA beta patches?

3. Are you sure you are running DayZ? (I have to ask after all)

all i know is i hit download dayz downloaded the six updator suite thing and ran it and then all that happened

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I had trouble using the Six Updater, so I grab the files manually and extract them directly into the 'addons' directory. It's a pain if I switch between servers running different versions, as I have to extract the right core files, but I get over it fairly quickly. I'm sure there is a way to create profiles to launch based on what version core files you are using - I've just not had the time to research it out.

As for the "no entry bin/config.bin/CfgWeapons" error - just ignore it.

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