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No weapon at start - Awesome Teamwork

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Hard to shoot at you with no weapon

The fact you quoted that quote and gave that response show that you didn't read the actually quote...

No, you use to get shot at... people had guns, now no one has guns, now your not getting shot at...

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I use to always get shot on sight before this patch' date=' the matter what.

This is the first ive never actually been shot at. Pretty easy for me to link them together. However, this is just my experience. Ofc its going to be different with everyone else.

Could say the same about you.


You said since this patch you ran into people WITH guns who didn't shoot at you. How would that be any different from running into some one with a gun pre-patch?

I'm more inclined to believe you're just full of shit, because I see the bandits and the dozens of new spawn corpses on every server.

Obviously there will be "teamwork" between two new spawns with no guns. Not from me, I'd do my best to just lose the guy since he's probably an idiot anyway and'll just get me killed, but in general. This doesn't add anything to the game though; once you pick up guns it's the same game as before.

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I have had 0 people help me since 1.7.1 at most they will ignore me and typically they will tell me to stop following since there's only 2 things other fresh respawns can do for you:

1) Accidentally pull Zeds to your position, kill you both

2) Jack the first weapon you find and leave you unarmed

At least other friendlies had the POTENTIAL to help before, now they are just a second chance to be spotted by eagle-eye zombies.

Only thing I've gotten from other people today is headshots from bandit snipers.

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I have had 0 people help me since 1.7.1 at most they will ignore me and typically they will tell me to stop following since there's only 2 things other fresh respawns can do for you:

1) Accidentally pull Zeds to your position' date=' kill you both

2) Jack the first weapon you find and leave you unarmed

At least other friendlies had the POTENTIAL to help before, now they are just a second chance to be spotted by eagle-eye zombies.

Only thing I've gotten from other people today is headshots from bandit snipers.


I agree, with how easy it is to agro zombies its very counter productive trying to survive with randoms unless they actually use the voice chat and you can start communicating.

One thing I was thinking about last night that could work in giving the player just a bit of firepower, but still make you feel quite desperate to survive is a crossbow with 1 or 2 bolts.

You'd be able to take out individual zombies, but nothing more then that.

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I have only had good experiences since the last patch. I was rummaging through the firestation at the powerplant near elektro when all of the sudden I hear zombies and suddenly there is a player up the tower with me. I had just found a gun and he had one too. He asks if I'm friendly and I say yes - I can clearly tell he's an american. And then off we went on a little adventure. I tell him to keep all the good stuff as I doubt I'll make it anyway and sure enough a few kilometers later I get trapped in a gas station without ammo. I'm not sure if he escaped, but I hope my dying helped him get away safely.

Second time around I end up at the same power plant / fire station and accidentally break my legs. With no morphine I decide to suicide by crawling off the roof. But as I'm preparing my last free act I see a group of survivors come running into the fire station. One of them is definitely russian and another sounds danish. There were a few other in the group but I didn't hear them speak. Anyway I yell at them and say they are free to take what little I have from my corpse. And off the edge of the roof I went.

Russians teaming up with other english speaking survivors? When did that happen? Must be the power of the patch.

The fact that it's suddenly harder to avoid zeds and nobody blows your face off right from the start seems to make people more likely to stick together.

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IT's not teamwork when both of them want to kill each other, but cant.

This thread has got to be a joke.

Here is the new starting gameplay:


See another user.

The two users walk along the beach.

One user goes to try to loot a building.

Hes is spotted.

He runs.

He runs some more, and is mobbed. *Dead*

The second users walks in, takes the loot, and now has a healthy career of killing new users and those looking for loot.

Teamwork! :/

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Hard to shoot at you with no weapon

The fact you quoted that quote and gave that response show that you didn't read the actually quote...

No' date=' you use to get shot at... people had guns, now no one has guns, now your not getting shot at...


"I've came across several people with guns and ive also had a gun. So much complaining on this forum its unreal."

Think you didn't read that part when you quoted me mate. Please read before you comment.

Hard to shoot at you with no weapon

The fact you quoted that quote and gave that response show that you didn't read the actually quote...

No' date=' you use to get shot at... people had guns, now no one has guns, now your not getting shot at...


I use to always get shot on sight before this patch' date=' the matter what.

This is the first ive never actually been shot at. Pretty easy for me to link them together. However, this is just my experience. Ofc its going to be different with everyone else.

Could say the same about you.


You said since this patch you ran into people WITH guns who didn't shoot at you. How would that be any different from running into some one with a gun pre-patch?

I'm more inclined to believe you're just full of shit, because I see the bandits and the dozens of new spawn corpses on every server.

Dear god...

I was replying to someone who said that since the patch people shoot more when they have guns. I posted back saying that I have came across people with guns in this patch and they haven't shot. Im not going to repeat the whole conversation as it shouldn't of been hard for you to read the thread before you posted.

So im full of shit just because YOU, "the almighty one" has had a different experience? Seriously dude do you know how stupid that sounds.

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Funny, I've not had a single bit of teamwork in the 4 hours I've played of it so far.

The one guy who didn't shoot me on sight didn't have any ammo otherwise he probably would have.

I was shot in the back while climbing down ladders, shot for my bandage, etc.

I was shot 24 out of the 30 some times I died. The rest were due to hemophilia. apparently every survivor has it *shrug*

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