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Looking for bandit group

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We're a group of 4 people looking for more people who want to be involved in stealing shit from people and ambushing small groups of people, contact me on steam =T$E= Lordfeather

Skype: Lordfeathery

Our age group is 13-17 but anyone can join just lemme know where you live, timezone, age, play style and such. Thanks :3

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We have some regular bandits on our server, check it out


Server IP: TS3 IP:

Looking for a heavily Admined DayZ Server with 160 + vehicles, planes, choppers, new cars, and much more. Large maps for groups to setup camps and not get them destroyed or looted quickly. We do not tolerate hackers or cheating of any kind. Our Admins will check logs and will be playing daily. Currently playing Panthera Island.

Join us on our TS server you wont be dissappointed!


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