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Server Whitelist info

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Hello all.

I am about to start a new server and wanted to get some input from other server admins reguarding whitelisting.

Ive read up on some on it but am a little confused.

What i want to know is:

What are you able to whitlelist? names, ips, guid from battle eye?

Are there and 3rd party programs you use.

And how do you collect the info to white list a person.

Any info will be extremely helpful, thank you in advance

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I believe you add a player's GUID to the whitelist.

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is there anyway to change your guid with out buying a new cd key?

just wanting to know so if i ban someone that they cannot just change it.

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is there anyway to change your guid with out buying a new cd key?

just wanting to know so if i ban someone that they cannot just change it.

Its best to ban by both IP and GUID. Hackers can change their CD Key easily and thus get a new GUID.

There is a whitelisting tool available that can run both from a desktop via RCON, or be installed server side. Server side is easiest, with a command to run the whitelist every time the server starts, if you run it on your desktop via RCON the program closes every time the server restarts.

http://dayzmod.com/f...to +the +rescue

You whitelist a GUID then have two // after it so you can write anything after it on the same line, like this;

eecb153993d99b6ab96425ce6b049d2e // MrPotatoeHead, from England, UK.

You enter the info into the whitelist.txt. You can set custom kick messages and custom join messages. Like, "You must apply to get on the whitelist, email [email protected]". When a player joins the server, you can have it display a message like, "Panda has joined the game and is on the server's WhiteList!"

Hope this helps!

Edited by -Panda

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