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Selling AS50 + Ammo and more!!

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Complete list;

AS50 - 3 x 5round's (Full ammo, unshot clips)

M107 + 2 x 10 rounds (Full ammo, unshot clips)


And Camo Clothing.

Looking for NVG's (x2)

Rangefinders (x2)

Ghilly suits (x2)

Also open for ANY OFFERS.

Dont bother offering junk, You wont get it anyways. :)

Must have Skype to trade, as I like to talk to people while we are meeting up to get to know eachother / nature;

I'm hoping to receive your offer soon.

Happy trading.

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Added another M16A2 M203 (So 2 in stock now)

2 FN FAL mags

2 M9SD Mags

a DMR (no mags)

Might be willing to sell my M4A1 Holo

and I have a compass too if anyone shows interest in that sort of thing.

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Added 2 DMR's 6 Clips total,

AN PVS FAL (Night vision) (Total of 5 Mags)

Also added an extra M107.

Offer away.

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Looking for Night Vision Goggles (2x)

RangeFinder (2x)

Ghilly suit (2x)

And perhaps a M4A1 CCO SD.

Offer away, above is the complete list off arsenal we have, and its ALL for sale.

We have an MP5 SD aswell btw, that might be for sale too.

We'd rather lose the sniper rifles first

Against the list is

AS50 (1x)

DMR (2X)

M107 (2x)

All guns have ammo included.

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OH lastly, we also have an M14 Aim for anyone interested.

Contact me through a message, or post offers on here.

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Hello I need to unload some stuff so I will cut you a good deal, I will give you my FN FAL, m107 and Bizon (only 2 mags for the bizon, no ammo for the other two guns) for an AS 50 and the FN FAL NV.

I also want the 2 FN FAL clips

If you don't like this deal we can negotiate

Edited by AfterShave

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My friend, I have 2 M107's with ammo I need to lose, An FN Fal in case I even want to use it (which I dont, I should seriously throw it away) and no real use for the bison.

I'm only interested in gear I dont have M4A1 CCO SD, Ghilly suits, Rangefinders and NVG's mostly.

In any other case I'm open to offers, but I'm selling most of the things I have for a good reason. I'm not really interested in getting more of what I'm selling atm.

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