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[Six] 6FeetDeep is now recruiting ( Bandit Clan )

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6 Feet Deep

6FeetDeep is a new clan just starting up, we are looking to recruit experienced and non-experienced players no matter what the age. With non-experienced players we are willing to work with you and show you the ropes of Chernarus. We are a BANDIT clan. We hop from server to server hunting down survivors and other clans that are "bandit killers". Our policy is KOS (kill on sight). If you love to live the life style of killing other survivors for fun or if you want to learn how to become an experienced and well trained bandit this group is meant for you!! We are looking to recruit ACTIVE members. Active members are the key to a good time on DayZ so if you aren't active we will boot you from the group.

We have our own TeamSpeak, Dayz Server and Website!!!!


Our requirements to the group are the following. You need to have a working microphone as well as Teamspeak. In addition to this you must be able to speak English fluently. We expect full maturity out of all our new recruits. We have NO TOLERANCE for people who are going to act childish. We expect you to also corporate with other member's. Last but not least you must be willing to kill any player you see in DayZ!!!!

How do you Join?

To join you must go to our website http://6feetdeep.enj...om/recruitmentand fill out an application. A recruitment officer will get to your application as soon as possible to review it. I hope to see you in our Teamspeak in the future!!!!

Edited by zzayers

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Bump.. Looking for a couple more people!!! Accepting all

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I tried to put in an application but the server is down for maintenance. Ill try again in a couple of hours.

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Servers back up! We are open for recruitment once again. Only 4 spots left and must be active. Inactive players have been removed. Major server event coming up as well so even if you are not looking for a clan you should at least sign up for the site and/or play on the server to know when and where the event takes place.

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