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50 slots, active community, custom towns, custom debug monitor, towing vehicles script, custom anti-hacks (Better than BE + Gotcha), more!

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Welcome to DayZ Vets, a private hive server with admins who enjoy interaction with the community. We feature custom scripts such as towing, custom anti-hacks, server-wide events, custom loot tables, and more! A full features list is below:

  • 200+ vehicles - Balanced with amount of helicopters allowed per alliance of players.
  • Lee Enfield + Food/drink loadout - We strive for a small kick start to help join our private hive. We don't want to overpower starter gear, but we also know the feeling of joining a private hive and having to start over.
  • Custom anti-hacks - As the title suggests, we have custom-made anti hack scripts that will catch even the higher end hacks such as paid-for bypasses, as well as the script kiddies. Active admins as well to ensure all goes smoothly.
  • Custom towns - Added a town, military base, as well as other small additions to pre-existing locations. All additions to the world have been created with sniping spots in mind, as well as counter sniping positions, making the new locations a risk to raid.
  • Debug monitor - It's back! Well, our version is anyway. We've taken the vanilla debug monitor and have changed and cleaned it up. We've included an FPS monitor, as well as made it more out of the way than the classic version.
  • Towing vehicles - Yes, you read that correctly. We have added the possibility to tow vehicles. The vehicles towing the other vehicle must have a powerful engine, such as the engine in a ural, or military offroad.
  • Auto-Refueling - Simply pull up to a gas station with a pump and shut off your engine. The Monark Fuel Services will automatically refuel your vehicle ;)
  • Custom events - Bounty system, Sieges, etc. See our website for more info.
  • Custom loot tables - Added more guns only available at certain crash sites.
  • Side chat enabled. - Talk with your fellow survivors, or bandits.
  • Active admins on daily. - Open to chat in-game, or privately through TeamSpeak
  • Teamspeak! - Perhaps our most useful feature! Talk one on one with admins who listen, or to our community.

We strive to make DayZ enjoyable for both newer players, as well as for more seasoned players. All server-wide events are completely optional, and will not affect you in any way if you chose to not join. One of our main focuses is even though we have custom-made events and loot tables, we keep things balanced. I'm sorry to say that we don't want everyone running around with an Mi-17 and snipers. :)

We strive to be the very best that we can, and look forward to seeing you!

Our website can be found at http://monarkgaming.com

Our gametracker:


How to connect:

We do not currently have a whitelist, due to our increased anti-hack scripting. Simply filter for Monark, or connect via IP using ""

Edited by Idon
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Oh! Looks interesting. I'll give it a try :-) Uh.. Also.. There isn't an IP, or a Forum Post regarding Whitelist / Password (If it is). Could you possibly edit a those thing's in? ;-P

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  On 1/7/2013 at 5:25 PM, Zionist Wabbit said:

Oh! Looks interesting. I'll give it a try :-) Uh.. Also.. There isn't an IP, or a Forum Post regarding Whitelist / Password (If it is). Could you possibly edit a those thing's in? ;-P

Sure! That's why I posted the Gametracker but I'll add them to the text post as well :P

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Will keep this thread updated.

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Yeah we noticed that, and have restarted the server, it tends to be a small bug chance with Bliss... we've only had that like twice so far. Everything should be fine now, thanks again.

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The clan UMD have been banned.Several of our player's camps were raided and I believe they used external ESP. On top of this - They frequently duplicate items such as the Coyote Pack. They then accused several players of hacking and then insulted me because I didn't give out the names of the people who killed them. What fun.

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Yeah we have several logs and admin maps that display them going from camp to camp.

Also we have changed the load out to a makrov due to the noob on noob pvp. We had started the kit as a anti sniper kit, but lately they have slowed down on this, so the load out has been adjusted to fit.

We also have started some events, like the Admin box find. We place a admin box down with tons of gear in it, and then give a riddle to the area it is at.

We also are deciding on going to Always day, but will have nights on random weekend. We will post more on our forums, schedule and so on.

We have a total of Forums, IRC, and TS for support, all can be found from inside the server, or the forums.


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Major update applied.


  • Shortened the debug menu from 14 lines to 5. Many players complained about the size of having the vanilla debug monitor, so we took out the uneeded things. The monitor now will not overlap the eye/ear monitors in any resolution I believe. The monitor consists of Blood, Humanity, Murders, and Bandit kills as well as the server name on the bottom. Names on the monitor have been removed.
  • Skalisty Island is now purely and event island. We have added an attack/defend caste there. This will have multiple game types for players to optionally sign up for. One event we will use the castle for first is a medieval siege. Team vs. Team with crossbows and hatchets.
  • Added a wall surrounding Skalisty Island. The part where several buildings and the lighthouse have not been walled off due to looting purposes. The rest of the island is closed however.
  • Removed the 2 heli spawns on Skalisty Island and moved them elsewhere.
  • Anti-hacks updated.
  • Loot tables has been modified at crash sites due to a small bug. All custom loot will be re-added in a future update.
  • Removed all thermal weapons. These were too overpowered and there were too many unfair deaths because of these.
  • Changed starting loadout from Lee Enfields to Makarovs due to the fact that bandits camping new spawns have significantly gone down recently. This is always subject to change however. If the camping rises starting players will be given a better chance to defend themselves.
  • Adding 2-4 admins. These admins will be low powered and will be able to kick, ban, server restart, etc. They can not give out items and will not be able to use the server map that tells locations of players (DayZ.st map). These are basically regular players that will be able to kick, ban, etc. They will still be allowed to have camps, raid bases (Because they have no added beneifts over other players. They are not given free gear, they are given given ESP, or anything that gives an unfair advantage), and kill players. More information at monarkgaming.com under the DayZ section.

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I am soo joining this server looks epic! Just wondering If one of the admins could lend me a car bcuz i hate walking?

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Also when is next event and can i join? Sorry cant check website at moment! Also could the event be like 7PM GMT? I dont know if its a english server tho! Please reply bout events asap

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Events at the moment are player based. Depending on how many people are on the server depends on the event that happens.

We now have a Castle on the Skalisty Island used for Team and Free For all Deathmatches. as well as Hunger Games type.

We do other events as well.


Edited by neosky5k

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Recorded the last event. Was a 8v8 TDM. Camo vs Soldier. Will post later when I'm not busy with work/server.

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Added auto-refueling. Simply pull up to a gas pump and your car will begin to slowly fuel over time. If your engine turns on at any point during the fueling process, the fueling will stop.

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We have to set the vehicle limit smaller due to such high traffic. We are getting to where no body can login cause of to many vehicles... So we are taking it down to around 120 or so. That's enough honestly, esp since no one can make it off the shore, XD.

We are looking into get Full moon, and other things. We have whitelisted for a day to see and we had no hackers, but no players, we gained 78 members to be whitelisted so that was kool, but we didn't get higher then 15 people at one time, and normally we have 40 or more. ...

oh well. Thanks everyone.

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new server ip due to Ddos. 3289

Towing is back . So Towing, lifting, refuel, and soon we will add earth quakes and night time lights. We got rid of the Debug menu since the server already has one now. Hit Scroll Lock.

Edited by neosky5k

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b_160_400_1_ffffff_c5c5c5_ffffff_000000_0_1_0.png b_160_400_2_ffffff_c5c5c5_ff9900_000000_0_1_0.png

New Teamspeak server as well.

We have also have the Quakes and the lights in houses at night working as well. Soon we will have more, like dogs, sound effects to add ambiance, as well we are looking into creating a loudspeaker radio station ran from Elektro.

you can also connect to TS using ts.monarkgaming.com

Edited by neosky5k

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