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Hunt the Treasure/Loot Zombie! [@FactionZ Servers]

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Over at FactionZ - We run what we've coined as "Loot Zombie" and "Treasure Zombie". It's basically just us, the two admins, running around the game with 'loaded out' loot of high value items and a few other special goodies that give each 'Faction' on our server special points/score at the end of the month. We both don't actually play the game at all because of all the vast knowledge/access we have to specific information which would make it unfair. So, instead we found a way to 'play' and create some chaos in the meantime through other players with the Loot/Treasure Zombies.

We don't shoot back at the players, however we do zig-zag around like crazy trying to duck and lose those that are hunting us. I wanted to share two videos of our Adventures, as Loot/Treasure Zombies, on our FactionZ server.

We haven't made the final edits/uploads on this one, yet, but still wanted to share. This is during our first ever "Cycle Event" which is basically just an event at the end of the month where the Factions Bases are no longer 'Safe Zones' and both/all Factions and Bandits go to town trying to destroy the others base and leave them nothing left. At the end of the Cycle, we as admins, tally up points for anything they have remaining/left and declare a Faction Winner for that Cycle and they earn themselves some nifty badges on our forum and gloating rights of course. But, as they're doing this we have the Loot Zombies running around with special items that are worth a lot of points; so hunting them and getting their items is a valuable tactic to winning the Cycle. Here's about 40 minutes of the 4 hour event from the eyes of TokVaal as a Loot Zombie with myself, Strikes, as one as well. http://servers.vigil...e-loot-zombies/

Then we have another tale of someone hunting the hunter of the Loot Zombie! You'll notice myself saying something about my Zig-Zag skills as a Loot Zombie in the video below. What you'll watch is someone chasing me, the Loot Zombie, and then getting sniped (from pretty far out) as he's chasing me. (Sorry Computer1633!!) The shooter thought they were hitting the Loot Zombie, but to their surprise... they got someone on the opposing Faction.

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This seems like a good idea and maybe it could be implemented in the dayz.

"Every day at every server (can turn it off) it spawns 2-3 zombies but they have a survivor o bandit skin and if you kill them they can have good loot or weapons"

Thats my 2 bits.

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It was pretty much something we took from Golden Axe (Arcade) way back in the day. Boy, that dates me doesn't it? If you recall in that game... they had the little Goblin/Gnome guys that came into your campsite and you would whack them and potions would come out, haha.

While the Loot/Treasure Zombies are in game, we use Side Chat to describe our location/surroundings. This turns it into a fun puzzle/mystery game of people trying to figure out where we are. The better someone knows the map the more advantage they would have; and it's great for FactionZ because the teams are all working together to figure out the location, get there, kill the Loot Zombie and get out.

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I play on this server and I have a few things to say about it.

1) great community. wide range of personalities and play styles. not care bears but not jerks.

2) great mods/admins. they setup fun events, mod the game so factions can have bases.

3) no hackers

4) team mumble (voice chat)

there's a lot more, but the best way to find out is to join in @ http://servers.vigilantaddiction.com/ and sign up for the current cycle.


Edited by dayz.serp

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