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I Found A Clan Camp And Blew It Up [Video]

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you have my beans not for the video (which is cool) but for having two icons flashing and still remain calm.... :lol:

Edited by Play

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you have my beans not for the video (which is cool) but for having two icons flashing and still remain calm.... :lol:

Haha we found alot of food and medical supplies earlier but when I noticed them flashing I was like danm I should eat right now.

And also thanks for your thoughts on it! Our new channel needs this kind of feed back!

Edited by billytalent231

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you are counting your own gear, can you not tell the difference? plus blowing up the tents after taking the stuff out is pointless as they pop back up after server restart.

effectively you just came on here to boast and showed that you are not all there...

I'm guessing you got arma II in the steam sale and think you are leet

Edited by Legendoire

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you are counting your own gear, can you not tell the difference? plus blowing up the tents after taking the stuff out is pointless as they pop back up after server restart.

effectively you just came on here to boast and showed that you are not all there...

I'm guessing you got arma II in the steam sale and think you are leet

Your arrogance is sickening. It obvious he's quite new to the mod, but that does not make him inferior to you in anyway. Pull ya head in homie.

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Your arrogance is sickening. It obvious he's quite new to the mod, but that does not make him inferior to you in anyway. Pull ya head in homie.

Don't remember referencing myself at all in this, arrogance it is not. Did I say one time I found blah blah blah, I'm so much better than you?

No, personally I believe that before creating youtube videos or a channel and boasting about it on a dedicated forum you should improve your craft learn the game and gain some perspective.

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Lol blowing camps is very fun to do, but i like to leave it there to see if the guys keep putting gear in the camp. I got a l85 AWS and a DMR from a camp yesterday.

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Your arrogance is sickening. It obvious he's quite new to the mod, but that does not make him inferior to you in anyway. Pull ya head in homie.

Thanks and no I have had dayz since release or around then I bought arma before it came out because I thought it was a cool game.

And also I'm new to tents and all that since I always traveled light and kept all gear on me.

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