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[Feedback] New Player Perspective

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Hello All,

Hey there - my name is Shubawks, and I'm a new DayZ player (Started playing near the end of 1.7.0) - I've been having a blast the past week, playing with 5-10 people on the Dallas 31 server. It's been great, we've found tons of gear, weapons, equipment; though we've also had tragedies, deaths, PvP Matches within towns against other regimes, and other fun stuff like massive trains of zombies.

Now, today -Saturday; we've recently all patched up to Version 1.7.1 - and besides the fact that there aren't a large portion of servers playing on 1.7.1 yet, I've found the new level of difficulty to be ramped up very fast. After my death at the factory, I respawned on the ocean with a relatively low amount of equipment - only a bandage, a box of pain killers, and my back-pack. I began to resume toward my regular play style of stealthing through small towns for new gear and what not; only to be met by zombies from across the field to come running at me full steam ahead; it seems like the increased line of sight on zombies has been altered a tad too much; and almost seems "unrealistic". At this point, the game seems to have lost it's magic, it's become more catered toward the person that likes to crawl around the earth for 6 hours to find a Makarov Magazine and an Empty Tin Can.


- Possibly remove a slight amount of vision on the zombies, they can see you from a quarter mile, and come sprinting out of nowhere - even when you can't/didn't see them.

- Weapon respawn rates seem to have gone down the gutter, at least give us a bit of a chance at finding something in the hangers; there was nothing there but empty tin cans and a can of beans - oh, and an empty water flask.

- The [Fixed] items that were listed on the change-log don't seem to be fixed, zombies are still hitting me through walls, as well as walking through them.

- The pathing seems a bit better, there are some issues with zig-zaggers, and walking through doors/walls in larger buildings and what not, but for the most part it's definitely an improvement over patch 1.7.0

- Night cycles from the Beta Patch have really hindered the night-time aspect; it was fun before, definitely dark - you could use flares and what not; and you still can - but the aggro from zombies has been cranked up so much that the night time is basically suicide unless you just log out and play something else; but who wants to do that?!

All in all, nice patch - there are some issues that are affecting your player base in large (not just the hardcore guys that like everything to be hard.) Possibly you could keep in touch with the people that have brought light to your mod by giving us a little love as well, but still keeping the game exciting, fun, and scary for everyone.

Thanks for reading, and I hope I'm not met by the community as an angered 12 year old, I'm just expressing some feedback on the new version of my favorite mod in years.


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