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DayZ - my thoughts.

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These new changes, the pitchblack nights etc they're fine you learn to adapt , it sure is annoying as hell to run around in total darkness, but its scary too and there's tons of tools in the game to handle total darkness, totally get it just dont make each night 10 hours of total darkness, thats not realistic or fun.

What i dont get is why you're supposed to be able to loose aggro of zombies? why? if you have a hunter after you, i think it should be "KILL or be KILLED".

I don't think the zombies AI will be as sophisticated as it needs to get for people not to exploit that feature. Keep it simple rocket, let the zombies chase the players forever, unless they chase you like for hours, terminate them. unless its a crawler, that's pretty cool to get chased by a crawler for miles and miles... or don't do the opposite, if a crawler has chased a player for 2-3 hours change his skin and make his damage 400%


Just some thoughts, please dont start adding stupid stuff to a mod made of pure awesomeness.

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