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LF Partner/SmallGroup, Friendly - North American - Serious

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Play style(10 words max):

Estimated Playing Time:



Communication: Preferably push-to-talk but will use skype if needed. Partner/Group may not have poor connection and irritable voice coms.

Contact Information: steam (nimbo566), PM, forum post or skype (ThatFreshBiscuit)


Final Thoughts

I will play any DayZ map! I like to be able to take the game seriously and also to be able to execute "plans" swiftly and without error.

I don't like playing with those who think its funny to shoot a teammate for an illegitimate reason such as humor.

I expect our team to be effective, mature, and fun .

I strongly disagree with any form of cheating, and if you are caught playing with a hacker, or using them, you are to be immediately discarded.

Edited by nimbo566

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My names josh, im 16, im a male. im a friendly player and only shoot with a reason.

i play a lot on namalsk and taviana. im really just looking to become part of quite a large clan :)

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