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Is there anyway to stop micro stutters in dayz

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i have a pretty good computer and i got 60 fps straight on dayz but i get micro stutters. they dont apear on the fraps fps in the corner but you can see them is there anyway to stop them + its ok every server i go on :( i need help

Edited by TheNewKidOnTheBlock8

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I think that's down to the engine...i have the same problem..as soon as I leave elektro or cherno I get full 60fps...however, it doesnt stop me from enjoying the game! :lol:

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- Defrag your Arma 2 directory - http://www.piriform.com/defraggler

- Install Arma 2/DayZ on an SSD which will get rid of that and reduce texture popping. 2 or more SSD's in RAID0 will eliminate it completely.

Arma 2, Crysis and the DCS flight sims are games that benefit a lot from SSD's when it comes to issues like that.

Edited by jblackrupert

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- Defrag your Arma 2 directory - http://www.piriform.com/defraggler

- Install Arma 2/DayZ on an SSD which will get rid of that and reduce texture popping. 2 or more SSD's in RAID0 will eliminate it completely.

Arma 2, Crysis and the DCS flight sims are games that benefit a lot from SSD's when it comes to issues like that.

i have never defragged before is it safe?

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i have never defragged before is it safe?

Yes it's safe. if you don't defrag it will slow down access times to your files on your hide drive

because the files for programs get scattered all over the drive over time[Fragmented] and the drive has to jump

around looking for those files which slows things down.

If you have an SSD, then you NEVER defrag those, it won't do major damage but it will age your SSD prematurely and there is no benefit to doing it

SSD's do not need to be defragged.

The fact that you've never defragged ever is likely the cause of your stutters.

In this case you should really defrag the ENTIRE drive...

Depending on the size and level of fragmentation it could take a few minutes to several hours.

Start the full drive defrag when your going to bed or out for the day and make sure you or anyone else DOES NOT power off the system while it is doing it.

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i checked my computer and my dad is good with computers and he told me that he has software on it which defrags it every wednesday, so it cant be that i might buy a ssd so it will go away

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its only 8% fragged windows says i need to defrag it when its 10%+

Dont listen to windows.

Anyways your only 2% off the 10% figure, won't hurt in defragging :)

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@ OP.

Have you considered mounting the @DayZ folder on a RAMdisk?

I did this last night and while my frame rate seems unaffected, my HDD isn't grinding away constantly and I don't see the occasional freeze/stutters any more.

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i dont like using programs like ram disk just because a friends ram got damaged badly by it so i wanted to stay clear

Ram Disks do not damage RAM, the RAM was defective or failing to begin with.

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