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club80 (DayZ)

DE 383 - script kiddy spotted

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A friend and I were just a minute ago on DE 383, a guy shooted me in the back, i escaped from him then he teleported me on a roof (who is normally not allowed to go) and he instant killed me with his rifle, he did the same to my friend a couple of minutes ago. His name was [bLACK] Josh, he has friends with him, i don't know if they are script kiddies too, but it's really boring to loot hours and lost everything from a frustrate kid. I guess this post i useless, but just in case to ban those kids from dayz community.

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Any evidence? How do we know you weren't just shot and you're so mad you want them banned?

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What kind of evidences on Internet... it's trivial to fake a video.

I'm just here to report what he did. Admins have to look up on him. That's the only way to be sure to ban someone who desserve it.

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What kind of evidences on Internet... it's trivial to fake a video.

I'm just here to report what he did. Admins have to look up on him. That's the only way to be sure to ban someone who desserve it.

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You probably ban innocent people regularly using this method easy to cheat.

Anyway, it's a message for admins of DE 383.

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You probably ban innocent people regularly using this method easy to cheat.

Anyway, it's a message for admins of DE 383.

all cheating reports are useless without the proper evidence that is required.

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