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check out mine and my friends server

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Hey Everyone,

We're the survivors of Dayz, and we Rule!

A few friends and I recently launched a new 24/7 50 player, Private Hive, Regular DayZ Chernarus server.

We are looking to get as many people to begin playing as possible! We are all experienced players and very helpful and reasonable.

The map has over 150 vehicle spawns and even though side chat voice is enabled, it is highly suggested that you keep its use to a minimum.

The server is based in Mass. US

We would love to build a big community so we can continue the server.

Although it is a 'Regular' server, players of all skill levels are welcome.

Please stop by and check it out!


Sean(admin) and Pat(server owner)

NEW SERVER [Private Hive]

Vehicles/Active Admins/Fast Connection

- Private Hive (survival servers)

- 50 Slots based in Mass. US

- Auto Restarts every 6 hours with multiple warnings


-Very fast connection

- Random Heli-Crash sites

- Random care package sites

- Random plane crash sites

-[Regulaer] Difficulty

-Crosshair: ON

-Tracers: OFF

-3rdperson: ON

-Side Chat: ON

-Waypoints: ON


- No cheating of ANY kind. If you are caught you will be BANNED.

- No exploiting of ANY kind. A kick or ban will be issued depending on severity.

- No abusing the chat system!

- No racism of ANY kind. You may think it's fine, but the person next to you may not.

-Voice on Side Chat is fine, but do not use it for too long. Use of Side Chat must be in [English]

- No complaining to admins if you have been killed. ( Unless it's through unfair standings )


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