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[RGN] Respawn Gaming Network [CLOSED]

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Welcome to the RGN Recruitment Page, we are now looking a a small, skilled, friendly group to make video with. We will be a group of 5.

Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.c.../RespawnGamingN


- Mature 14+

- Experienced player, not a bambi.

- Knows how to fly a helicopter, plane or drive a car.

- Have a clear mic, for Skype and Teamspeak.

- Have a YouTube channel & are subscribed to us.

- Work as a team.

- Must have [RGN] in their name after joining.

Available space remaining: 0

Application form:





Favorite class: (Sniper, Gunner or Support)

Play style:

Youtube name:

Why would you like to join us?

Have you subscribed to us?

We will reply via Private Message within 48hrs. After you are accepted, you will be given our Teamspeak IP and Skype detail.

Further information will be given through Skype or Teamspeak.

Thank you and Good luck.


Edited by Synrax
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Favorite class: Sharpshooter

Play style: Hardcore!!

Youtube name:reiss1100

Why would you like to join us? Looks like a really cool clan and sound really friendly :)

Have you subscribed to us?Yes

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Name: Reece

Age: 16

Location: Ontario CAnada

IGN: Reece

Favorite class: (Sniper, Gunner or Support): Gunner

Play style: Careful and observant. Not ass over head

Youtube name: nathan6reece

Why would you like to join us? I need people to play with to make the mod more fun

Have you subscribed to us? yes

Having toruble with my youtube acc will sub in near future

Edited by reecep555

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Name: Connor

Age: 18

Location: UK

IGN: Mr Skin

Favorite class: (Sniper, Gunner or Support) Sniper/ support

Play style: Slow, stealthy, will only engage in gunfire if life is in danger or low on supply

Youtube name: izuutx

Why would you like to join us? used to be in a squad, it grew apart, want new people to play with that take the game seriously

Have you subscribed to us? I will if I get recruited :P

Edited by wokfoyu

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Name: Gero

Age: 14

Location: Netherland

IGN: iTzTwixx

Favorite class: (Sniper, Gunner or Support) Sniper , Gunner

Play style: Careful

Youtube name: Itstwixxx (GameCentral)

Why would you like to join us? I want to join the clan because I'm tired of playing alone. And I would like to play with a group of people. The clan seems very nice

Have you subscribed to us? Yes

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All application has been look into. A Private Message will be sent to you all in 24hrs. Thanks.

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yolo daniel ur bad

LOL Peter, at lease I didn't stuff up the heli :P

Edited by Synrax

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Name: Mayson

Age: 18

Location: Houston, Texas

IGN: Reliquent

Favorite class: (Sniper, Gunner or Support): Very Versatile. I know how to snipe.

Play style: Observant. Prefer to avoid player contact.

Youtube name: lemonia1894

Why would you like to join us? Just looking for a group of guys to play with. I like how its just a small group. Thats what im really looking foward to. I prefer small groups because you get to know everyone personally and in return become friends with everyone.

Have you subscribed to us? Yes

I have a working mic and have Skype/Teamspeak downloaded and know how to use them. Im very experienced in DayZ and know the in's and out's of everything. Looking foward to hearing from you guys in the future :) have a nice day.

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Name: James Burlton

Age: 15 (Class myself as mature)

Location: United Kingdom (I'm usually up all hours except 2am+ school nights)

IGN: ixJamesey

Favorite class: (Sniper, Gunner or Support) I would see myself more as a support guy. I Personally dont have much experience with a sniper and don't mind using if all comes necessary.

Play style: When playing i always seem to hit a major city up for supplies (As most people probably do) while in the city i gather as much supplies as i can making sure no threat is around, if there is an enemy player i make sure they know my presence and im friendly, this can be good / bad as some people might just look and try to kill me but i would say im pretty good in them situations even if it comes to gunfire. when playing i sometimes have a rule of never going up north without matches, hatchet and a hunting knife as i find being able to get and cook meat as an important role ( I usually end up carrying al the food with my friends so most of the time i don't use that rule) When all settled in and up north i usually don't mind running and risking my life to get supplies ( Like morphine and blood ) for a teammate of mine.

Youtube name: ixJamesey

Why would you like to join us? I have been playing Dayz since almost the beginning now, i not only play dayz but i play wasteland and abit of takistan life, whitch shows i am experienced with the arma 2 engine. Playing with my friends frustrates me a little due to them not being so good and making me wait around all the time while they get killed / look for loot. I want to up the level and play with some other people who are experienced more with dayz and even maybe make some new friends.

Have you subscribed to us? Yes <3

Edited by ixJamesey

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Thank you for your entry, you application has been look into.

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Since we got more people accepted, I would be sending the accepted ones the Teamspeak to have a chat with us, to down the number. If you don't get accepted it's ok, we will be doing another one soon.

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Since we got more people accepted, I would be sending the accepted ones the Teamspeak to have a chat with us, to down the number. If you don't get accepted it's ok, we will be doing another one soon.

Hmm. Doesn't look like our timezones will work out together :L Don't worry about me (:

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Favorite class: (Sniper, Gunner or Support) Gunner

Play style: Close Combat Dayz Player,Prefers To Freak Out other players

Youtube name:MrDestinyTV

Why would you like to join us?Seems intresting

Have you subscribed to us?Yes

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Name: Jarred


Location: Canada

IGN: Talent Show

Favorite class: (Sniper, Gunner or Support) Sniper/Pilot

Play style: Passive/Aggressive - Depending on the calls made and the area covered

Youtube name: Jarredxbox

Why would you like to join us? I am interested in joining because I would like to be a part of an elite group of people who know how to play and know every aspect of the game like I do. Organized play is mainly the most fun of all.

Have you subscribed to us? Negative

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