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A Story and a favour to ask

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It was what seemed like any other morning in dayz, I return to the spot where i had disconnected the night before at Zub Castle on the building unacessible by players (Popular as a helicopter hiding spot) Right next to the Mi-17 Helicopter i had spent hours repairing earlier.

I was pleased that it was still there, i scrolled and entered the pilots seat which yielded expected results with every part green except for fuel, or the absense of it. I never have enough time or effort to find the twenty billion windscreen glass required to prevent helicopters from leaking fuel, i always just kept three or four full jerry cans on me so i could hop over to the closest fuel tanker.

Just as i hopped out i heard a low powered bullet shot penetrate the windscreen as i dove out and laid prone, My attacker was a guillie'd 'would be' sniper as he had a clean shot on a still target and managed to miss. I mashed the alt key and saw him change weapons to what looked like an M4 and opened fire on the helicopter, My heart sank as the sound of bullets striking metal filled the air. I quickly went to crouch and fired 15 odd M4A1 shots right into his torso and head, but as blood flew out of him i realised nothing was happening and then without a gunshot or even the player facing toward me i instantly die.

I washed up on the shore of Electro after i rage quitted from the server i had been on, I always keep a list of what vehicles i find on each server and where i located/hid them and i knew of a Huey that had spawned on Skalisty island. Going for broke i ran into the supermarket and found myself an alice pack.

I really like electro, it has an abundant amount of industrial loot and the two fire stations make it a promising start to any bambi's dayz life. after an hour or so of looting around i had plethora of scrap metal, engine parts, rotor and jerry cans. I ran and swam to Skalisty from just north of Kamyshovo. To my surprise the Huey was there, I took a soda out of the gear and quenched my thirst knowing that it would take some blood, sweat and tears to get this bad boy in the air.

With the fuel light flashing i nursed the fragile helicopter from Skalisty to Staroye (My favourite refuel spot for skalisty spawn) but from experience i knew that i could make the 3 kilometer journey on three jerry cans. Not wanting to stick around i filled the helicopter to about a third full and flew it to Zub castle where i could hop servers and retrieve my gear from my body and possibly fix the helicopter on my original server (Assuming the guy who killed me didnt blow it up)

After i hopped servers i was horrified at rubble and concrete fragments surrounding me, My killer had blown up the entire castle and the platform i had been standing on had been reduced to the ground. I facepalmed as i relaised that when i hopped onto the Huey server my character would spawn below the platform rendering the helicopter useless and out of reach.

A bout of bad luck really, I do suspect my killer of hacking as that much carnage probably could not have been caused by a chopper explosion (Trust me, ive seen many) and the fact he took enough bullets to the face to take down hulk hogan.

Anyway i thought some people on here would get a few laughs about my tale, so back to the point of this thread. Could someone who is in the posession of a helicopter on a PUBLIC Hive server (Chernarus) give me a lift to the paticular platform on zub castle so i can at least use the huey for a while.

Since i didnt spend any time looting i only have an alice pack and jerry cans on me, absolutely no weapons or gear on me. If someone could help me out it would be great and i can join whichever public server they have a helicopter on, it would be MUCH appreciated!

NEVERMIND, Went on the server the huey was on and a hacker had been around and destroyed it :3

Cheers, Armagherd

Edited by Armagherd

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