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Spawning without a gun is ridiculous.

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I'm pretty sure the REASON that the survivors.. are.. you know.. survivors is because they were prepared for the situation with weapons/medical supplies/food. If they didn't have those basic things they would already be part of the horde.

I mean, I had to start again (I've been playing the mod for over a month now) and i went into Cherno to possibly get some sort of weapon. But as soon as i entered the town, i was already shot at. This doesn't encourage teamwork, in fact, it just makes it easier for bandits to kill new players. How are you meant to hide from zombies when they run 4x faster than you? Apart from going into buildings of course, but they will exit the building and catch up to you, and if you try and run, you will just attract more. The one time i managed to find an Alice pack and a double-barreled shotgun, i was instantly shot by someone with a high caliber rifle. This is near enough impossible, and bandits will remain bandits no matter what the players have, as 60% of bandits don't kill for loot but for the thrill.

And the only real spots where you can get a Weapon are infested by these bandits, since this is where we HAVE to go, the bandits just take advantage and all we can do is click our flashlights at them.

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You really just have to avoid major towns or go to a less populated area. There are some big towns up north where good stuff hides, but yes this does mean more veteran players, and the longer someone is alive for the more they want to protect their gear, and that means shooting on sight.

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Even looting is ridiculous, half the spots are covered in zombies, and we have absolutely no protection against them except running.. Which doesn't even work.

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Ive had more peaceful encounters today then ive had in the last 2 weeks.

If you start on the south beach, you have 2 major towns and 5 smaller towns. Isnt all that hard to go to a smaller town and find a weapon.

Myself, ive had more trouble with zombies today then i have had in the past, but right now the mechanic for them is a little messed up and a hotfix is being worked on, which might help things out a bit. Plus visibility has been changed, so im learning all over how to sneak around them, which was considerably alot better towards the end of my play session this morning.

On the beach i have found two crates that had weapons inside them, a few spawn points that had guns and ammo on the ground (of course the ammo was for differnt guns there, heh) and a bike. This is all within 200 feet of spawning at differnt points.

Wait for the hotfix to come in, and give it some time. My only gripe is no moriphine at the start. One life i had to crawl from one town to another town to find some. Atleast i didnt agro a ton of zombies that run like i would have normaly done.

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I must say. I agree it is near impossible to survive now. We are just to vunerable. it would be ok if you could outrun zombies... but alas they are all weird and glitchy and zig-zag at you at 100's of mph

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Even looting is ridiculous' date=' half the spots are covered in zombies, and we have absolutely no protection against them except running.. Which doesn't even work.


how about proning?

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Zombies easy enough to avoid if you take things slow but you do run into a fair share of idiot survivors that seem like they just want to die anyway. My buddy and I found 2 other survivors the first thing they did upon seeing us was start shooting drawing zombies to us. So we had to shoot back to kill them and then try and shoot zombies but by that time way too many zombies and not enough ammo left to kill them.

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60% of bandits don't kill for loot but for the thrill.

87.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

72.2% of all forum users agree with Confused Zombie

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I can see that starting without the makarov is a bit harder than with one, but to be frank 9 times /10 I find another gun before i'd even fired the makarov once.

The problem is too many people are spawning on the coast and then just running into cherno or elektro.

Try heading north for one of the small villages and then crawl through it looking for loot. or if you're feeling up to a trek Zelenogorsk is a great place to start loot hunting, having a church and a market.

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Spawning without a gun is ridiculous.

Even if you weren't a complete frog' date=' I've no doubt you spawned into this infested world without a gun.

how about proning?

+1 Internets to you, Sir!

You have a HUD for a reason. Visual detection indicator much?

Three bars for a squat.

Going once!

Going twice!

Going three times!

I like trains.

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I'm pretty sure the REASON that the survivors.. are.. you know.. survivors is because they were prepared for the situation with weapons/medical supplies/food. If they didn't have those basic things they would already be part of the horde.

I mean' date=' I had to start again (I've been playing the mod for over a month now) and i went into Cherno to possibly get some sort of weapon. But as soon as i entered the town, i was already shot at. This doesn't encourage teamwork, in fact, it just makes it easier for bandits to kill new players. How are you meant to hide from zombies when they run 4x faster than you? Apart from going into buildings of course, but they will exit the building and catch up to you, and if you try and run, you will just attract more. The one time i managed to find an Alice pack and a double-barreled shotgun, i was instantly shot by someone with a high caliber rifle. This is near enough impossible, and bandits will remain bandits no matter what the players have, as 60% of bandits don't kill for loot but for the thrill.

And the only real spots where you can get a Weapon are infested by these bandits, since this is where we HAVE to go, the bandits just take advantage and all we can do is click our flashlights at them.


Well I see you have not read the backstory.

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I like that you start with nothing. it immersifies ( lol not a word ) the game and separates the weak from the patient.

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I feel that spawning without a weapon is fine. This is due to several reasons.

  1. Sure, spawning with a weapon allows you to defend yourself, but spawning without one gives more of a challenge.
  2. Players who yell about how horrible no-weapon spawns are, think about it like this: How many times have you been killed (As a fully geared up player with hours into your character) by a noob with a makarov. Not that many, but still a few times.
  3. A makarov isn't that powerful anyway. You'll see that most of the combat you'll get into with a makarov, you end up running from. Just man up, sprint to the nearest supermarket/firestation and get a gun.

An example of this amazing, no-weapon spawning follows: My friend and I were making a long car trip from kamenka to the NE airfield. We drove through all the major coastal cities (Yeah, we knew of the danger, we liked it.) Many times we were shot at from far away, all the shots missed. We continued to drive, a lone noob stood at the road's edge. He had no gun. If he would have the old makarov, there would have been a large chance he would have ended our lives, took our car, and probably died himself.

The old starting makarov should not be thought of as a starter zombie killer only, but instead a way for bandits to get their hands on geared up players' items.

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A Geared up player using 50% of his brain shouldn't worry about a kid with 1 bandage and a makarov clip. If your tearing it up down the coast harassing newbies you should have some sort of risk involved. Honestly starting with a makarov and shooting a zombie in the first town you come up on is probably going to get you killed even faster than not using it but at least you feel like you messed up and learn a lesson as a apposed to, " Oh shit argo'd zombies /respawn". Sneak in on shit agro'd a zombie again /respawn. rinse and repeat.

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Our ancestors didn't have guns and we're some how not extinct. XD

Trying to relate this to real life is just plain stupid, in RL you dont respawn, you aint gunna wake up at the beach, you might have compass, might not, might have watch, might not, could throw stuff, could punch stuff, could do loads of stuff with so many possible situations and items you may or may not have, so pointless to try even use that as an argument.

You dont need a gun, I am glad for it, I used to be a kill anyone trust no one kind of guy, and if i saw someone with a good gun i'd shoot him cuse I'd want it, but now I am much more vulnerable and so its changed my perspective. I had to be put in my place.

Now i try work with others to survive cuse I have no choice if i want to really, which is how it would be.

And due to this I have met a lot of nice people I would of otherwised killed for phat loots, now i am much more trusting and its benefited me greatly.

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I know that Hardcore-gamers, loving BDSM, like starting game without any weapon. I am not a hardcore player, but anyway I support this idea. It is a survival simulator! But I didnt find any problem with finding weapon: it takes 20 minutes to collect at least an axe.

I think most people has too shaped-gamer`s mind: see village and enemy - must capture it. Here there is diffirent logic. If you something deadly dangerous you shouldn`t go there. If you cant do something you have to escape. Because you are playing not a hero, you are playing real ordinary human.

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Slyer109 is spot on. When I started playing, I admit I was a battlefield/splintercell type player. I assumed I could crouch run everywhere at first. You can't. You have to prone and you have to be patient. If there are too many zombies, and you're unarmed, chances are it's in your best interest to move along.

Also, the more you play, the more you realize what buildings are more likely to have what you want. Along the railway stations there are sometimes hatchets, for example, and they are pretty easy to sneak onto.

And finally, listen. If you approach a building and hear zombies close, don't go in. You have no weapon and you're just going to end up getting maimed tripping over the door frame. Door frames kill 95% of beginner survivors.

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My latest attempt was 11 deaths and about 4 hours of play and dozens of buildings checked either with zombies in pursuit or not.

We need more axes at the very least because in the towns on the coast there is none

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I am having trouble thinking what kinda monkeys there are playing this game? Or are you guys just new players who can't think of anything else than "Hurr durr ima run around till i find 50cal sniper"..

I have died 0 times to zombies and once to bandit before i could find a weapon.

Sure it takes 5-10mins longer to be able to defend yourself. But jesus christ if you have no melee or ranged weapon you DO NOT run around shouting "im here shoot me im noob".

Next time you spawn and think of coming to forums to QQ how you cant defend yourself, think it this way.

"Do i really even want to shoot a gun if i can just sneak past all of these zeds?"

Sure its awesome to be able to defend yourself but when i'm alone i i don't always even start to shoot zombies if i aggro them.. ZOMBIES ARE EASY TO GET RID OF.

Here is a pic of what can/will happen if you want to shoot one(1) zombie.


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I'm pretty sure the REASON that the survivors.. are.. you know.. survivors is because they were prepared for the situation with weapons/medical supplies/food. If they didn't have those basic things they would already be part of the horde.

I mean' date=' I had to start again (I've been playing the mod for over a month now) and i went into Cherno to possibly get some sort of weapon. But as soon as i entered the town, i was already shot at. This doesn't encourage teamwork, in fact, it just makes it easier for bandits to kill new players. How are you meant to hide from zombies when they run 4x faster than you? Apart from going into buildings of course, but they will exit the building and catch up to you, and if you try and run, you will just attract more. The one time i managed to find an Alice pack and a double-barreled shotgun, i was instantly shot by someone with a high caliber rifle. This is near enough impossible, and bandits will remain bandits no matter what the players have, as 60% of bandits don't kill for loot but for the thrill.

And the only real spots where you can get a Weapon are infested by these bandits, since this is where we HAVE to go, the bandits just take advantage and all we can do is click our flashlights at them.


Your problem lies in the first line of your post. Its cherno. Even if you had a gun, the same thing happens. I do understand where your coming from though about bandits killing noobs. Its a disgrace. Btw have you realized that all you need to do to lose 50 zeds is run behind something? or through a building and they give up on you ?

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I am having trouble thinking what kinda monkeys there are playing this game? Or are you guys just new players who can't think of anything else than "Hurr durr ima run around till i find 50cal sniper"..

I have died 0 times to zombies and once to bandit before i could find a weapon.

Sure it takes 5-10mins longer to be able to defend yourself. But jesus christ if you have no melee or ranged weapon you DO NOT run around shouting "im here shoot me im noob".

Next time you spawn and think of coming to forums to QQ how you cant defend yourself' date=' think it this way.

"Do i really even want to shoot a gun if i can just sneak past all of these zeds?"

Sure its awesome to be able to defend yourself but when i'm alone i i don't always even start to shoot zombies if i aggro them.. ZOMBIES ARE EASY TO GET RID OF.


At least using your fist or your foot should be possible. Or a melee weapon like a simple knife.

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At least using your fist or your foot should be possible. Or a melee weapon like a simple knife.

A) its not necessary' date=' you can find a gun or axe inside 10 minutes most times.

B) its not realistic.. who would chose to go kung-fu on a horde of zombies? Does a zombie even care if you punch him in the face?

C) it lowers the tension and atmosphere if you [i']always have a method of self defence. Being vulnerable is good in a survival game (for the gameplay).

D) So far as I can make out the Arma engine won't allow for it.

E) Guns should be the focus of the game, quality ballistics is one of the main things that the engine brings... lets not focus the gameplay on something its not even designed to do. I'd rather bring back the starting mak than this.

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