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Looking for 18+ strategic gamers

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I wanted to get a group together of individuals who are 18+ with game sense. The game is based off of a military simulator, with the map sizes it takes strategy to acheive survival. So if you have military experience, or just are a intelligent gamer feel free to hit me up. This isn't a group where people are on always we have lives and I dont expect anyone to be on at any given time. I wanted to get some people together who can play smart when they do play and have a group to back them up.

I've been running solo and it is so hard to clear buildings without a team, let alone trying to eliminate snipers on cherno without a distraction and flank.

Hit me up on skype


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We are looking for mature players at least 18 years of age, with good communication skills,

plays the game as it's meant to be played, no combat logging, no cheating / hacking, team

player, not afraid to sacrifice for the good of the team, similar interests / play styles.

Contact Us:

Check out the Divine Knights main site at http://divineknightsclan.com

And register in our forums and meet the Knights at http://divineknights...forum/forum.php

Add the leaders on steam as well.

Master General: Radica - Terra_Nova_11

Lt. General: Strigoi357 - mjp23@aol.com

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hey guys looking for a group also.. im 22yrs been eating beans and singing camping fire songs all by self since the infection spread ..i got great sneaking skills and can adapt to situations fast , just looking to join a well shaped group of badasses who want to SURVIVE this hell hole im in the (u.s.a) sacramento,california im on alot DayZ / arma 2 / wasteland / domination u name it im learning....Soo lets get a group going oohrah !

skype :o_gloc

aka-(srgt.campos) is the name


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