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New Private Hive looking for players.

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Hello all, I am one of the four admins of a DayZST private server. The purpose of this server is to be a survival/teamwork server with war games and PVP aplenty. we currently have custom starting loadouts (not anything ridiculous, just some things to get you started), 250 vehicles actually on the map (I counted them myself) ,with a vehicle cap of 900,and to make things a little more interesting for PVP we have added some of the assorted weapons from ARMA 2 and OA back into DayZ. Admins are on 24/7 and we are looking for some new players to come onto the server, because unfortunately, the term "build it, and they will come" does not apply to DayZ. So if you are bored of the same thing day in and day out on DayZ come check us out and mess around on the server a bit!

See you soon. :D


Port: 3221

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The gold revolver was supposed to be edited out with a 1911 and for that I apologize, but what did you expect? starting with a M-107 and silenced PDW? this is still DayZ, and its still a survival server as I pointed out in my initial post. Also you neglect to mention the morphine extra bandages, food, water, and blood bag that are in that loadout.

Edited by Steampunk21

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