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(TPS) The Predator Squad! Making a new clan (14+)

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Name: Sage

Age: 16

How long have you been playing DayZ: bought 2 full days ingame

Your Roll: sniper/medic/pilot

Skype: dimpsystyle

Why should I pick you: I play like a boss. I also have a camp started on thezombieinfection server I can tell you about

Do you have a mic: of course. only queers don't have mics

Edited by DimpsyStyle

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Name: Sage

Age: 16

How long have you been playing DayZ: idk don't keep track a good while

Your Roll: anything

Skype: dimpsystyle

Why should I pick you: cause im bored and wanna team with someone

Do you have a mic: I wouldn't fill this out if I didnt

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Name: Dredd

Age: 30

How long have you been playing DayZ: 1 month

Your Roll: I prefer being tactical support and medic

Skype: kwfoostema

Why should I pick you: I am a team player. Love DayZ. I Always help people and heal them when I can! Love to play in a team. I think thats the way DayZ is played.

Do you have a mic: yes

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Name: Faycal

Ingame name: StarCaxe


How long have you been playing DayZ: since its released.

Your Roll:Scout/sniper


Why should I pick you:I played this mod for a long time i know a lot of strategy of people and how the react on an shootout.

Do you have a mic: Yes (Logitech G35)

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Name: Alex

Age: 22

How long have you been playing DayZ: 5 months

Your Roll: Any

Skype: martin56alex

Why should I pick you: cause I am here to fuck shit up

Do you have a mic: Yes (also have a vent server if you guys want to use)

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Name: Adam

Age: 15

How long have you been playing DayZ: since last summer, but with some pretty long breaks here and there.

Your Roll: Anything i guess, probably assualt.

Skype: adamszwagrzak

Why should I pick you: friendly, sociable, looking to have a good time and yeah :)

Do you have a mic: Yes

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How long have you been playing DayZ:12 months

Your Roll:Scout


Why should I pick you:I am a very talented dayz player

Do you have a mic:yes

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Name: Minicoco (Coco)

Age: 15

How long have you been playing DayZ: 1 year 5 months

Your Roll: Very experienced sniper/ Very experienced pilot.

Skype: MiNiCoCo11

Why should I pick you: I am an effect scout sniper that can defend bases solo. I can scout ahead for a camp spot and defend it until the team arrives. I'm also military trained due to my training in the cadets and in the army.

Do you have a mic: Yes

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Name: Mark



How long have you been playing Dayz: 8 months

Your Roll:Very good/experienced pilot, Scavenger, Assault, machinegunner (MK48 etc), gunner, or sniper


Why I should pick you:I'm fun to be around with if we play for some time, I'm patient and can take orders and give orders to minor squads if thats needed and i know my way around many maps.

Do you have a mic: Yes

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How long have you been playing DayZ:over a year

Your Roll:im good as both a pilot or a sniper a medic whatever you need me to be


Why should I pick you:because if you dont you might end up in my scope and i dont show mercy and you cant find a much better sniper

Do you have a mic:yes

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Name: Matt


How long have you been playing DayZ: Months

Your Roll:Assault/Medic


Why should I pick you: I'm helpful

Do you have a mic: yes

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4 months



you should pick my because i will help you achieve victory and will watch over your back is i snipe or stay at your side when you need heals.

yes i do have a mic

i am online right now so as soon as u see send me a skype call

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How long have i been playing Dayz: 5 months (Arma 2- a year +)

Your Roll: Whatever is needed as i have played in a variety of rolls

Skype: jamro1998

Why Should you pick me: I am a very experienced Arma 2 player, which means i know the mechanics very well. I have played Dayz for a while and i have watched 100s of vids on it. I can be very useful, being a variety of rolls. I am also an Extremely good map reader and know the map of by heart (no lie!)

Do i have a mic: Yes

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Name: Raymond

Age: 14

How long have you been playing DayZ: I've know about it sinse initial release and started playing it last year, when I got a new computer.

Your Roll: Suppression, Spotting and Sniping

Skype: raymond.hippner

Why should I pick you: I'm active, I'm good, and I know good strategies and tactics.

Do you have a mic: Yes

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Name: Reqq

Age: 15

How long have you been playing DayZ: 6+ month

Your Roll:ULTIMATE PVPER sniper and assault


Why should I pick you:BECAUSE IM BEAST! and im a cool guy xD

Do you have a mic:Yeaaaaa

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Name: Tyler

Age: 15

How long have you been playing Day Z: 1 year

Your Roll: jut about anything.....just not medic

Skype: pengo1998

Why should I pick you: i got a lot of experience in different situations and know the mechanics of the game and were dangerous spots are as well as safe spots for bases and camp sites and i am also relatively good with tactics as well as a good pilot for jets and choppers

Do you have a mic: yes

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Name: Chomby

Age: 18

How long have you been playing DayZ: 5-6 months

Roll: Sniper, Spotter, assualt, medic, scavenger, sniper

Skype: Chomby

Why I should Pick you: I am able to do almost everything, a jack of all trades, I like to work with a group of people, I am a decent shot with DMR, but I prefer M24, with another close range weapon.

Do I have a Mic: Yes (but will not talk at certain points.)

Edited by Chomby

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I am the Clan leader my names andrew, i used to be in a tactical realism unit for arma2 mods and dayz. I also do other games and im looking for new users for my clan.

I have a teamspeak and am working on geting my website for the clan up as soon as possible ETA 1-2weeks hopefuly. Until then I am in search of some Semi mature, and Semi Hardcore bada** dont take SH** from no one players. My clan has a ranking systems and i am looking for trustable players to fill in the higher ranks. My clan offers Training for new players, and my goal is to have atleast a 10+ person Elite force, so thierfore I am also looking for some Highly skilled players that can take up a role of a Trainer. Aside of the fact that im looking for players like that, i also am looking for some layback people to play other games as well. I my self dont take everything to the max all the time and am looking for a crowd that is lay back a bit as well.

***If you are interested Email me at Andrew.r.mcd@gmail.com I will try to get a response as fast as possible I check my email everyday most of the time.****

Thank you, andrew

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Name: Revolution / Rev or Josh
Age: 15
How long have you been playing DayZ: 2012
Your Roll: Scout/Medic/Grunt
Skype: JDP245 (I own a 512 slot teamspeak if you would be interested in using it.)
Why should I pick you: I'm a semi-pro-player and have been playing for a while, I'm used to a clan environment and have a general know-how of the land. I'm also a great map reader. I can take a joke but if you want serious you've got it. I can shoot straight and heal fast. I've got a great PC for the game and I'm able to scout an area quiet and quick.
Do you have a mic: Why of course.

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