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[EU] Looking for experienced players for our DayZ squad

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If you are looking for a experienced DayZ squad this maybe is your chance.

You dont have to be really pro just better the usual.

Only big requirements we have is:


The other small ones are:

Age: around 15 (no squicie voice)

A decent mic.

Teamplay ability

If you got all that (and even more) messange me on here, post in this topic or skype me.

Skype: altair.13

Now to some info about the squad:

We usualy have 2-3 people on playing around 5pm-12pm gmt+1

We are around the age of 16

At the moment we are playing on a privat hive (chernarus) wich we call our home

We got quiet alot of good gear and a few choppers (only little birds atm working on a m17)

We know alot of locations of abdomed camps with good vehicles that only miss ~1 tire

We are "very" expirienced and often get involved in fight where the enemys are in superior number and we came out as the winner numerous times.

Also if we switch server it never takes long to get something going (vehicles, camp)

Thats about it if you have questions just post here or skype me.

Edited by slightlyadvanced
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Hey i tried adding you on skype didnt work for some reason. Could you possible add me, experienced sniper know what im doing, not too sure on the chernarus map and my way around it because i am used to playing the newer ones, im 16 can drive heli's planes and cars i know there are no planes on chernarus well not to my knowledge. My skype is hckisnipezx

Edited by merkellrya

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Looking for more people again

We are on a whitelist server now

getting whitlisted will be fast i can just msg the admins

Edited by slightlyadvanced

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count me in as well i am 15 and a good team player i also have to offer my private server if you wish to play another server [ if you get bored of pvp] SKYPE : fearsomeharbor6 or taylor winslow wichever works

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bumping again

got 2 new people yesterday but we are still looking for more

we are still playing on that whitelist privat hive server

whitelisting is really easy and fast, it will only take 5minutes at max

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we are on a new non whitelisted server now

we just started out and we are in the middle of gearing up so you would get a automatic gun for sure

we are looking for more people again because it got a bit quiet lately and we are up for dayz again

just add me on skype and you will be in the call: altair.13

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