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Derision & Scorn - Can We Make A Fresh Start?

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Its all very well saying that negative feedback is perceived as winging. But lets be honest its the way people say it.

If everyone took a step back' date=' thought up some real arguments and expressed them in a rational way....

Oh wait this is the internet what am I saying :(


this will happen as soon as having a problem with an introduced mechanic in the game isn't considered being a Carebear.

what was that picture that has been around here... "Don't touch me you filthy casual!"

but yea.

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Perhaps if the more mature/constructive members of the forum started defending each other and/or start making it clear that immaturity isn't welcome/tolerated here some progress could be made. Encourage honest disagreements but discourage immature behavior when possible.

Encouraging Civil behavior and putting thought in to your posts also needs to be done' date=' contrary to seemingly popular belief this isn't a chat room/instant messenger, this is a forum, while not a huge difference we should aim for higher standards, or at least some standards to start with.

And as others have suggested a moderator crackdown on abusive(flaming, trolling and the like) and destructive behavior in the DayZ sections at least could help, but clearly defined rules would need to be made before that would be a good idea.

Hopefully this goes somewhere. Thoughts? Am I crazy for wanting this to work? 6*6+6?!?


I agree with this. I know some of my comments have been less than friendly but they're all in direct response to how people treat others.

I have been in playtests before. Not "preorder this mmo to play!" playtests, real playtests. Glowing reviews across the board despite the contrary do not help. Just saying you do not like it does not help. You need to be able to discuss it, and back up what you have said with more than "So There.". Screen shots, videos, etc are excellent ways to do this.

Once the new hotfix comes out I'm going to be posting more about my experiences with it to get a better idea of what's going on. I think that the zombie vision stuff is just something that needs to be tweaked. My real concern is the griefability of no weapon spawning. I'm going to check it out first hand when I get the chance.

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Too much elitism. Too much macho posturing.

People believing that have the right to judge what is acceptable negative feedback and what is complaining. ....and somehow always saying it is complaining.

Rocket this.. Rocket that. Don't listen to them over there.... Don't go casual. Don't let the Carebears ruin my sandbox etc.. etc...

It starts to get very monotonous after a while.

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Good thread, sadly not enough people will read it.

Anyway, let's start.

There are many people with concerns about the current game's patch 1.7.1. Rocket and team are already and may have corrected some of the issues with

I was on the boat of pushing for the no weapon respawn and difficultly increase (no food/water/ increase of difficultly). The reason I agreed with this is because after a respawn, I threw my weapons down and began the game. Within 4 hours, the game was over for me. Not that I died, hating playing, or raged quit. It was because I had all the gear I would ever need to never see a town or player again. I could literally survive forever.

To me that is too easy, but there was an additional problem in the threads. Banditry was on the rise... and to be honest, if I kept playing I would become one to. This is, in my opinion, inherently bad because bored players would - hunt down new players. Increasing the difficultly, I feel, increasing the game time and provides players with the goal of survival first.

I've already seen threads where people are teaming up. This is very different from the pvp I watched streaming one day.

I don't think patch 1.7 was fully right either. Zombie LOS is broken and combined with quick memory loss, makes the game easy again.

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Thanks for the cracking response thus far. Surely we can address this issue if so many of us feel we should?

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I agree with this. I know some of my comments have been less than friendly but they're all in direct response to how people treat others.

I have been in playtests before. Not "preorder this mmo to play!" playtests' date=' real playtests. Glowing reviews across the board despite the contrary do not help. Just saying you do not like it does not help. You need to be able to discuss it, and back up what you have said with more than "So There.". Screen shots, videos, etc are excellent ways to do this.

Once the new hotfix comes out I'm going to be posting more about my experiences with it to get a better idea of what's going on. I think that the zombie vision stuff is just something that needs to be tweaked. My real concern is the griefability of no weapon spawning. I'm going to check it out first hand when I get the chance.


I suspect the no weapons on start, as long as the zombies aren't over sensitive to everything(I know a hotfix is in the works addressing this), won't be that bad, griefers are going to grief regardless.

It will cut down on beach wars between fresh spawns and the like, it might also weed out the people that are only interested in running around killing anyone in sight just to ultimately die respawn rinse and repeat ad nauseam.

The more threatening zombies might be a bigger deterrent for opening fire in/around a town, but they probably need to be tweaked a little more carefully in the future.

And I'd personally prefer if they couldn't sprint like marathon runners, something has got to break/tear on a rotting corpse running that fast.

More coherent feedback and suggestions would go a long way in improving this mod I think.

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I used to be like OP

Then I took a troll to the face.

In all seriousness. The game caters to trolls so it's only natural the forums are where they lurk between night-raids. First, we must change the community, THEN the player mentality will follow. There's nothing wrong with banditry in-game, but the abusive behavior on the forums is uncalled for because the forums are not in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

They're just in the middle of a troll apocalypse...same stuff just with words.

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I agree with this. I know some of my comments have been less than friendly but they're all in direct response to how people treat others.

I have been in playtests before. Not "preorder this mmo to play!" playtests' date=' real playtests. Glowing reviews across the board despite the contrary do not help. Just saying you do not like it does not help. You need to be able to discuss it, and back up what you have said with more than "So There.". Screen shots, videos, etc are excellent ways to do this.

Once the new hotfix comes out I'm going to be posting more about my experiences with it to get a better idea of what's going on. I think that the zombie vision stuff is just something that needs to be tweaked. My real concern is the griefability of no weapon spawning. I'm going to check it out first hand when I get the chance.


I suspect the no weapons on start, as long as the zombies aren't over sensitive to everything(I know a hotfix is in the works addressing this), won't be that bad, griefers are going to grief regardless.

It will cut down on beach wars between fresh spawns and the like, it might also weed out the people that are only interested in running around killing anyone in sight just to ultimately die respawn rinse and repeat ad nauseam.

The more threatening zombies might be a bigger deterrent for opening fire in/around a town, but they probably need to be tweaked a little more carefully in the future.

And I'd personally prefer if they couldn't sprint like marathon runners, something has got to break/tear on a rotting corpse running that fast.

More coherent feedback and suggestions would go a long way in improving this mod I think.

Yet to be determined on the griefing front. Like I said, I have my view on it, and it seems to be supported by what I've seen people talking about in game, but I'm going to go check it out myself. I was pretty good at avoiding zombies before, I just kept dying from bandits. And only ONCE by a makarov bandit.

As for the zombies? I agree as well...although apparently these are not dead people walking, but people infected with a virus. They need to be fast enough so that if you're not careful, they can hop up on you while you're unloading on something. They need to be slow enough so you can get some distance and duck into hiding. They need to be numerous enough so that when you're running from that first group, you might find a second group.

PS: Hey look! constructive discussion! go team.

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PS: Hey look! constructive discussion! go team.

Indeed. We must celebrate the little victories...

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Thanks for the cracking response thus far. Surely we can address this issue if so many of us feel we should?

I don't see many fair ways to do this. Do we start a list of known trolls for people to ignore(with amnesty for past offenders if they want to play nice)? do we make our own community guidelines?

Unfortunately this is the internet.

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A good post' date=' everyone needs to calm down, turn their brains on and work together.


That's easier said than done. Some new players may feel that their suggestions are good and defend as their right. But more time than enough some hardcore forum member, will come along slag off the guys idea usually following these lines "Newb, go and play cod, kgoodbye" or some shit like that. The guy that his idea was worth a fucking mention. He didn't deserve this kind of response. That's why on a personal level I feel this forum is one of the worst *I* have ever seen.

Maybe if people replied with a little respect, the forum will become a place were people can come without thinking "I have a possible idea, but I don't want to say encase someone mouths off at me"

See what I'm getting at guys? I'm not trying to single people out, most of us have done it at some stage.

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Admins just need to get tougher and the forum mods need to stop putting up with the bullying, plain and simple.

Here's a few inspirational videos:

(cut to the part about behavior)


http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/5436-Not-Okay (more about sexism, but harassment in general applies)

EDIT: And here's a little extra: http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/gamer

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We can't police ourselves officially - that is for the mods to enforce and I would never suggest they are lax nor reneging in their duties.

Personally, though, if we can engender, maintain and actively promote a 'visible' manner in which we conduct ourselves, deviation from that would be more noticeable?

I'm not, for a second, suggesting an oppressive regime, simply encouraging decorum.

We are so much better than a mere message board.

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hear hear!

Trouble is there is a flood of newcomers to dayz due to its explosive popularity spike, and many of them are coming from games like BF3. THis is a massive culture shock for them and on top of that they are presented with a buggy glitch alpha.

I'm not surprised that they are angry and making suggestions that go against the game's ethos, and i'm also not surprised that dayz veterans react with scorn and indignation.

Its a shame but i dont think there is much we can so about it for now other than try to weather the storm.

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If I want to kill you, I'm going to kill you.

No game mechanic will ever change that.

This patch has made it easier. Half the people don't have weapons, which makes it even funnier to see.

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I'm not sure you have engaged fully with the intended nature of this discussion.

This has little to do with the actual mod.

But thank you for your contribution.

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If I want to kill you' date=' I'm going to kill you.

No game mechanic will ever change that.

This patch has made it easier. Half the people don't have weapons, which makes it even funnier to see.



This is exactly what we're talking about: We're discussing making the community a more tolerant place OUTSIDE of DayZ. Yeah sure, we get it, you kill people, but you're interacting with them here. You can't farm kills in a thread, and you are in a public environment in the real world. If you don't know what you're talking about, don't bother talking like you know. Stop acting like "the man!" and start acting like a normal human being, because here is a public place just like any other big room.

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As I was saying...

We can't police ourselves officially - that is for the mods to enforce and I would never suggest they are lax nor reneging in their duties.

Personally, though, if we can engender, maintain and actively promote a 'visible' manner in which we conduct ourselves, deviation from that would be more noticeable?

I'm not, for a second, suggesting an oppressive regime, simply encouraging decorum.

We are so much better than a mere message board.

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Yet to be determined on the griefing front. Like I said' date=' I have my view on it, and it seems to be supported by what I've seen people talking about in game, but I'm going to go check it out myself. I was pretty good at avoiding zombies before, I just kept dying from bandits. And only ONCE by a makarov bandit.


Mind elaborating? I tend to be cynical about people, never hurts to have more info on a topic, usually.

As for the zombies? I agree as well...although apparently these are not dead people walking' date=' but people infected with a virus. They need to be fast enough so that if you're not careful, they can hop up on you while you're unloading on something. They need to be slow enough so you can get some distance and duck into hiding. They need to be numerous enough so that when you're running from that first group, you might find a second group.


walking dead or infected they obviously have some serious tissue rot going on, just saying. slow them down to standing run when agro, that way you have a chance to get away if you screw up or get surprised, or if they can sprint have a 'dice' roll every step they take to check for a broken leg or torn muscle while sprinting, if they 'fail' they fall and start moving like crawlers. Just tossing that out there.

PS: Hey look! constructive discussion! go team.

He said it! it's his fault! :P But seriously this needs to be how a discussion on features and feedback is handled.

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@thejoshknight - You're saying that no game mechanic will ever stop you from shooting another player. Okay... so... yeah, I really don't know what to do with this.

So, you are fine - no matter what the game mechanics are? Well, thanks for your contribution.

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I'm not' date=' for a second, suggesting an oppressive regime, simply encouraging decorum.


The problem is that we have to draw a line somewhere, they're not going to change because we do. We're not getting out of this by ourselves. Sure we can definitely increase our posting dignity, but that's not going to do much good while there is still total freedom on the forums.

Simply put, neither will nor strength alone, but by both can goals be achieved. We have the will, but not the strength, so what should we do?

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Appeal to admin/mods and have a more visible policy of conduct?

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"Simply put, neither will nor strength alone, but by both can goals be achieved. We have the will, but not the strength, so what should we do?"

I say, let's a mature posters not post on negative threads, as they only encourage more attention. If a thread derails, attempt to bring it back on track and never resort to name calling.

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