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Derision & Scorn - Can We Make A Fresh Start?

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Are we truly the burgeoning community that this fantastic test mod deserves? Regardless of where we all came from' date=' we are all here because we wish to be and we should be in this together. We owe it to Rocket, to BI, to the game we all love and to ourselves to get these problems ironed out. But we can only do that by working together and sharing dialogue coherently, cohesively and sensibly.

I am most certainly in that distinct camp others would call "fanboys" and I freely admit that - I make no apologies for it. I think that these guys have done a truly fantastic job. The sheer work, slog and effort they have endured to bring us something this impressive, even in the earliest stages, is nothing short of a magnificent achievement.

We are all guilty of being dismissive of one another, in one way or another. But some of our comments, from both sides, are nothing short of childish squabbling and rather barbed insinuations about the content on one another's character.

On one side, we 'fanboys' should not be under the illusion that we, in any way, have any 'right of ownership' to this mod. We can be proud of the fact that we were there at the beginning; that we have watched this mod grow and have been - in some form - integral to the inception of the concept in it's evolving form.

On the other side, we have those who would refer to themselves as casual gamers. Their experience may have been 'Left 4 Dead' or 'CoD' or 'Battlefield' and whilst I am in no way suggesting that is their ONLY gaming experience, there will exist posters on this forum, new to this mod, who possess that history. This is a mod far removed from those concepts. This is a game that has a right to preserve the integrity it has thus far developed and not be swayed by an industry that has long been stagnant.

Mods, as far as I am concerned, are the spearhead of ingenuity in gaming - communities developing games together without the red-tape or the outside interests getting in the way.

I have been guilty of wanting to keep this from 'outsiders' to stop them from 'diluting' the core concepts that I have enjoyed since this mod came to my attention. This is a game I have been waiting for during many years now and, ridiculously, I seem to think I can stop anyone from taking that away from me.

The reality is that I can't. This game will evolve; it will develop according to a diverse community that has every right to find a collective identity.

But we need some dialogue. We need to afford one another the respect to preserve this as a 'discussion forum' as there is little discussion here lately. We deride one another and heap scorn upon tentatively suggested ideas as though we had witnessed an indignant crime.

We are participating in an Alpha Test. A bloody good Alpha Test at that. There will be suggestions...some will be odd, some creative, some naturally intuitive, some that upset one side or another and some that are posted purely to provoke.

We will find bugs, we will have glitches, we will disagree about hue, contrast and the ambient sounds of a forest. We will find things difficult, we might even question the logic of a decision the developers make. But that is part of the process. We feedback, we share, we DISCUSS. We have a clear set of issues and suggestions and the devs take that on board, feed back and continue doing what they do best.

What we currently have is unhealthy, uncompromising and devoid of any intellectual value. It is failing to achieve what was intended.

Let's enjoy it, revel in it and feel a part of something that has so much exciting potential. It's not finished - in reality, it's not even close. So shape the destiny of this mod by establishing a cordial, open and reciprocal dialogue.

Don't make threads that descend into vitriolic derision - especially not as regards to the developers who are trying their bloody damn hardest to please 250,000 people with conflicting opinions on where THEIR game should go.

This is a game that is in the very early stages yet is still remarkable in conception and delivery. The potential for community input is huge and I, personally, am thoroughly excited to be a part of this even in the tenuously associative manner of a player...you should be too.

It obviously makes people passionate...hell, that's the reaction Rocket and his team want to see, I'm sure. But some of the sheer venom I have seen here, about a mod which is FREE and not yet out of an infancy, is simply ridiculous - FROM BOTH SIDES.

I don't care if you think I'm being a pompous git or an interfering, condescending busybody who uses the internet as a mouthpiece because he feels useless in the real world. Theorise that, if it makes you feel better. Suggest it, should the urge take you.

It's bollocks. But knock yourself out.

All I want is to be part of a community that has a vision and a commitment to a fantastic mod. I'm sure you all do too.

I love cock.

Let the trolling begin...


Oh how this made me lol @ you. It reminds me of a group of old blokes I overheard putting the world to rights at the pub the other day.

It would be nice if everyone could get along but due to the unforgiving nature of the game is just too much for some nubs to handle so they end up venting shit stories on here. About how they were killed unfairly or how good they are. This in turn attracts Trolls who feast on their delicious tears.

In the end the only posts worth looking at are the ones posted by the devs anyway. I mean I've never seen a forum so full of SHIT.

I'm not sure why you chose to deface my post you quoted with the words "I love cock" but I think you have just proven my point for me.

You say I remind you of an old bloke putting the world to rights?

That's because I'm mature and know the difference between wrong and right. Obviously, as you have proven, you are childish and ultimately unable to conduct yourself with any semblance of control or social grace.

Point proven. Thanks.

Oh come now, old fruit. I see what you've done there a bit of typing Tourette's was it? I see your cheeky little edit! You rascal! It's all done now however and who am I to judge if you like a bit of shaft? 

Old and mature are we? Like a mature cheddar? Oh how I love cheese...

If one was mature enough one would realise that in a video game where anything goes emotions will run high. Now that one can no longer converse(and i say converse lightly) in the game the little whipper snappers are coming here to vent they're rage! 

It is truly shocking to say the least, wouldn't one agree? I believe that a good ninety percent of this forum is absolute gobbledygook. There is no end of vulgar posts regarding how one is...'Balls deep' in another and has stole all his belongings. I'm afraid that your plea for civil conversation is going to fall on deaf ears, old fruit.

However if one would like a mature forum overflowing with juicy social grace might one suggest a Political Discussion Forum or maybe a Flower Arranging Forum? Mr. Google is indeed your friend my dear! Who knows maybe there's even a forum dedicated to social grace?

Oh look at the time! It's Pim's o'clock! Must dash!

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So now I'm being reasonably polite your are just going to dismiss my post? Sounds rather hypocritical, old fruit.

Moreover, how about we not get back to the point because it's absurd, telling Trolls not to troll is like trying to convince a red neck to drive a hybrid car. It ain't gonna happen. Old fruit.

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But you aren't being reasonably polite. You are trying to mask condescension and belittlement with 'polite' language. Not exactly the point of the topic.

Trolls are going to troll, if they can't grow up at least take it to the off topic section if not another forum, It doesn't belong and shouldn't be tolerated in feedback/discussion/suggestion sections.

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That's because I'm mature and know the difference between wrong and right. Obviously' date=' as you have proven, you are childish and ultimately unable to conduct yourself with any semblance of control or social grace.

Point proven. Thanks.


You destroyed your own ethos in your OP with this post. The only thing that he has proven to me is that he was able to outsmart you and make you belittle your own point by responding the way you requested we all not respond.

Exert some self control. Do not feed the trolls. When you can come back with a little bit of will-power, than you may consider yourself mature. Until then, there's the door.

-Points to the door... it leads away from your high horse.-

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I'm not sure I did fail to live up to my point.

I disagreed without using foul language or descending into a to and fro mid slinging match.

Though I would prefer not to respond to trolls, I could not abide him defacing a post I had made. That is surely understandable?

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