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Inventory Bug(s)

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Date/Time: 6/10/2012 through 6/17/2012

What happened:On several accounts i have carried 3 weapons and when i log out and log back in, the weapons i stored in my backpack and my ammunition are missing. Also, when i try to transfer bloodbags into another players inventory along with other items, which i dont remember, they do not record of going into the bag and are destroyed. This also happens when i rop things. they get destroyed 40% of the time.

Where you were: Cherno, Berezino, Elektro, its happen a lot of times everywhere

What you were doing: just playing then i log off for the night and log back on

*Current installed version: 1.7.1 w/ newest beta. This also has happen in 1.7 w/o the beta patch

*Server(s) you were on: Dallas servers, North Carolina servers (mainly 3), and Seattle servers

*Your system specs: AMD radeon HD 6770, 8 gigs of ram. AMD phenom X3 processor (core released to record and perform at X4 or quad core) and a 1 TB hard drive

*Timeline of events before/after error: Everything is usually fine untill i log out with the first bug. the second one, nothing special happens until i try to transfer items

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