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Andrew C

Andrew and Friends (Private Hive)

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If you are looking for a more friendly server, im not guaranteeing your safety, and a little more leisure to play Dayz without getting killed every hour or so because you have gun. Well Andrew And Friends is a great server to play on. We are looking for people to play on our server and make some friends. You can meet us on Team Speak at (Admins are Andrew C, Elyas, Madman Mikeal).

Repost your information below and come join us on ts for more information.

Name: Age:


Play Style: survivor, bandit, hero


Edited by Davirusdb99

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Name: Taski



Play Style: survivor

Hobbies:killing zombies

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Shouldn't this be in Private Hive Discussion Forum?

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Moved and given a more appropriate title.

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If you are looking for a more friendly server, im not guaranteeing your safety, and a little more leisure to play Dayz without getting killed every hour or so because you have gun. Well Andrew And Friends is a great server to play on. We are looking for people to play on our server and make some friends. You can meet us on Team Speak at (Admins are Andrew C, Elyas, Madman Mikeal).

Repost your information below and come join us on ts for more information.

Name: Age:


Play Style: survivor, bandit, hero


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