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Chernarus group looking for experienced players

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Hello, I currently have a 3 man squad playing on a Chernarus private hive and we are currently looking for experienced players to join us, however we can train Bambi's. We are very kitted out and there is also a bandit clan that currently plays on the server which we have a rivalry going on with and we are quite often getting into firefights with them, which is always fun.

We are a semi-serious group having set roles for different players, but nothing set in stone giving flexibility towards players, and we would also like players that can switch off and have a laugh.

==Skype is a MUST==

If you are interested just fill in this application below and i will get back to you ASAP



Preferred role:


Skype Name:

Steam Name:

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Age: 21 from sweden

Timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hour

Preferred role: ?

Skills: I know my way around and have some experience

Skype/Steam: dgw1991

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Age: 16

Timezone: Chicago (Central time)

Preferred role: Dont have one. Im perfectly happy running scavenge runs.

Skills: Terrain navigation.

Skype Name: Snowfall477

Steam Name: Snowfall477 (may come up as point hog)

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