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Experienced Player Looking For 16+ Aged Players To Group With.

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Most of my friends have stopped playing the game, I've been playing DayZ since not long after release, just looking for some strategic people who want to play some serious DayZ. Have to be 16+ I can't stress that enough.

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Add Sharugami on Steam

Just started playing so.... if you don't mind helping me out that would be nice.

Yes I'm a noob sadly x.x

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Add xer0cks on steam or matthias.van.beveren01 on skype.

I'm 17 but ust started playing, I know this turns people down.

Maybe Sharugami is up for it ?

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Ive been playing DayZ for a couple of week and as soon as I get good gear a clan of people come and kill me -.- i need to have a few people with me and to stop me getting bored! haha im 17 in UK

Skype - Ryan.Barclay.95

Steam - Ryan_Barclay_95

ad me on any and i play almost everyday we will start a new server :)

Happy Gaming.

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