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Mature player with experience seeking to join or form group

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Thank you for your interest. The Order has been reformed. We may recruit again in the future

I have group experience, and I am looking to join, or form a group with 3-5 other players. I prefer to move low and slow, using stealth and basic tactics(I.e. Having a dedicated Automatic Rifleman. Using formations and other maneuvers. etc)

I am looking for a semi organized group(organized enough to have basic procedures, to assign roles to everyone, and to work as a team, but flexible enough that nothing is set in stone and we all remember that it's still just a game)

My ideal group also does not have a set role. I usually play as a friendly. I don't shoot unless shot at, and if I have supplies that I can share I will. Other times I feel like shooting everything I see. I'd like to be able to have our group decide we're going to help save Bambi one game, but maybe the next day we log onto a heavily populated server and start banditing.

A rough example of one of my ideal team structures would be having

Six(6) ppl including myself. (I'm not against having more people, but the more we have the harder it is to equip/manage)

Two(2) are dedicated melee and are responsible for engaging the walkers.

Two(2) are intermediate weapons and are responsible for covering the melee persons during raids.

Two(2) would be a spotter sniper team, responsible for providing overwatch over the area for the other Four(4).

Those who can shoot best get the best weapons as we find them and are responsible for the safety of the group, other members would take up the roles of medic and mechanic, carrying those supplies, and the remainder would be responsible for actually gathering the new supplies, and scouting new areas.

I typically play in Chenarus. It's the map I am most experienced in, and can navigate the best. I am not against playing other maps though.

Please feel free to contact me if you are:

Able to act professional and have fun.

Mature(Ideally 18+)


Experienced(I don't mind teaching bambi a thing or two, but I'm not going to make the whole team out of noobs)

Able to fluently speak/read/write English

Able to work in a tight knit group, and proceed as the group decides.

Online from 5pm-5am eastern time. I have been known to be online at any hour, but that is my normal block to be on.

Please do not contact me if you are:

Not able to conduct yourself as an adult(Joking around is one thing, bullying and/or using slurs is another)

Not able to follow the few rules we would have

With the idea that being tactical includes you running down the middle of the pavement like a chicken with your head cut off, shooting anything you can see moving, or generally attracting unwanted attention.

In the mindset that you think you already know everything, and have nothing to learn.(Nobody knows everything, and there is always something new you can learn)

My Skype and my Steam are Sim666ca.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Edited by Sim666ca

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I'm an experienced player and I enjoy getting into the game and using such tactics as flanking and formations. I'm 17 and I'm more of a stealthy, cautious player and stick away from cities and high populated areas until geared. I play around 8 hours a day and can work around time zones and such to play as a group. I speak english as you can tell, I'm not a child and I do take the game serious but can still have a bit of a joke, I might seem a bit young to you but in the end it's your decision.

Thank you.

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