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Worrom's Updater Not Functioning

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So, recently have begun to try and update my files with the Worrom updater (1.5), and am running across an error with the new patch. Had been playing fine before, but am now running across this error.

Error downloading files : dayz_sfx_v1.2.rar


Failed, try a force update and check settings!

Getting errors with the new update, and that error is reached AFTER using a force update. Any ideas?

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Okay, updated it but now when I change the ArmA II folder line to my install it automatically defaults to

MAIN REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

Changing it does not work, automatically reverts for me.

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A friend recommended six updater and I started using it and anytime I connected to a server I got the battleye restriction 16 from updating to the latest patch with six updater.

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I think I see your problem, give this one a try and report back, it appears the same but it is actually 1.61. As long as you manually enter a valid location that contains "ArmA2OA.exe" then it should work.


Note : it is untested with ARMA Free, so that may also contribute to your problem.

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Hey Worrom, any idea why your updater keeps failing on me to check for updates and to force updates? D: I much prefer your updater to six but I'm getting no where fast with either one of them at the moment.

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What I have found is if I install the 1.60.93825 patch all is fine but if I run the Worrom 1.6 updater I get a message that I require 1.60.93825 so it seems the updater is actually rolling me back.

Hmm just noticed the updater URL was showing as http://worrom.com/dayzupdater/DAYZ_1_7_1_1.txt so changed it to http://cdn.armafiles.info/ & trying again..

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Okay' date=' updated it but now when I change the ArmA II folder line to my install it automatically defaults to

MAIN REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

Changing it does not work, automatically reverts for me.

[/quote']Edit the Arma II folder line to read

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2"

...Hmm just noticed the updater URL was showing as http://worrom.com/dayzupdater/DAYZ_1_7_1_1.txt so changed it to http://cdn.armafiles.info/ & trying again..

Try http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/

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