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Aiming down sight & zooming bug

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Hi all, need some help.

Ive been playing for ages however I just noticed that when I have any gun and click Right Click to aim down the sights, and then hold right click to zoom in furthur, when in this stage and I fire, it automatically zooms out and goes back to the normal player not even aiming down the sight of the gun, and my finger will still be holding the Right Click...

Can someone help me with this? I have reset my controls to defult, and nothing helped.

It is really disturbing my gameplay as I cannot get a good aim when shooting.


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hmm mabye tra another mouse, also some problem with mine from the laptop... but with my G9 for the PC its evrything ok :)

I don't think its a confissue, more like the mous is broken or just alittle bit buggy with the imput.

Grammarnazis can suck this shit, im drunk as fuck and i wisch you a happy new year! ;)

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