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bug or feature?

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Hi there

There are a lot of things ingame I dont know if its meant to be a feature or its just a bug.

1. You and a friend are in a doorway and trying to cross each other... one of them broken bone, dead.

2. Your friend is prone on the floor, you walk over him... broken bone, almost dead.

3. Prone over a small stone, broken bone, bleeding.

4. Walking over stones (not the 3-5m high ones), sometimes broken bone.

5. Just sliding a sliding sharp decline without collision a tree or sth but broken bone, bleeding and dead.

I can go on

so its a bug or a feature?

btw happy new year

Edited by com1

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Breakable bones is a feature... but yeah the way its treated is a bit buggy. You eventually get a feel for what will probably unreasonably break your bones and learn to try to minimize those risks. Another one to watch out for it opening gates; besides being damn near impossible to do quickly (say goodbye to your quick getaway), if they swing out on you they can also break your bones and leave you red.

Edited by chaoseffect

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