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Black September

TempestGuild - Custom Starting Kit, 65+ Vehicles

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TempestGuild - DayZLingor

Hosted by Black September


Port 3136


As of tonight I have hosted a server for myself and some friends and would like to spread the word so that it can populate and form a mature community server.

As of now there are still a few unscheduled restarts going on as I sort out the final details but for the most part it's up and running. For now the server is open to everyone, if the server develops a large routine player base I may password protect it and provide you with a password as to further combat hackers, but for now the server will remain open.

Custom building locations will be added in the future to give the map a different feel from other maps.

For now, there are 65+ vehicles in the map and more may be added depending on player feedback in this thread. The custom starting kit is my stance on a realistic approach of what someone would have with them during a zombie apocalypse, and may also be changed in the future based on feedback in this thread.

Custom Starting Kit

ACU Coyote Pack - 12 Slot

Glock 17 w/ 4 Magazines




Hunting Knife



2 Bandages

Pain Killers

Water Bottle

Feel free to report any hacking or abuse, or to provide suggestions in this thread. If you need a pickup and see me in game, I'll help you out if I'm not otherwise busy. Otherwise just keep it civil. Thanks.

I may also schedule special events and competitions with open sign up in the future, with awards for the winners, once the server becomes more populated. If you have any ideas regarding this feel free to bring them forward.

Edit - January 1st, 2013 - Map has now been changed to Namalsk. All player inventories will be restored upon request.

Edited by Black September

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