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No more servers.

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I'd like to request a halt on all new servers from this point.

Why would we do this you may ask. Rocket has said that the central database was made to test 2x50 slots. At the moment there are what, 30-40 servers? That's about 1400 slots.

We've all noticed that the central db can't handle it when a lot of servers are full (which is most of the time, because the mod is getting popular).

I understand that more people want to play, and yes, I agree, it is annoying that you have to wait until you can finally join. But it's even more annoying when you are playing and the central db can't keep up with the saves and you end up losing your equipment even when it said that it was saved.

So until a.) The central db gets upgraded or b.) a different solution is found, may it be a different system (e.g. local databases) or something else, I propose a halt on the creation of more servers. It's only gonna get worse if we add more.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say and I hope the dev's will make time in their busy schedule to see if they can come up with a solution.

I know I don't have any control over what happens and I know that you guys (the server hosts) want to keep making more so more players can join... I just don't think that is gonna fix the problem.


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As it's only effecting me when I'm respawning (which normally only happens upon joining), I'd rather wait a bit, afk, while spawning over having to spam click the join button, which takes just as long and a lot more effort. Can just alt-tab or walk away while respawning anyway.

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The database runs at less than 30% capacity.

Then why did Rocket say it was made for 2x50 slots? :/

If it's only at 30%, I guess this thread can be closed. Guess I was misinformed. Makes me wonder why it's having so much trouble then. Can you maybe elaborate on that?

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The database runs at less than 30% capacity.

Then why did Rocket say it was made for 2x50 slots? :/

If it's only at 30%' date=' I guess this thread can be closed. Guess I was misinformed. Makes me wonder why it's having so much trouble then. Can you maybe elaborate on that?


It used to run on a crappy VPS. Now it doesnt.

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To be honest we NEED more servers, this mod has become a huge success and last night alone all the servers (besides the New Zealand and ANZ) ones were full; this meant there were at current 3000 players actually playing with probably thousands more wanting to connect. Everytime someone disconnects a new player joins practically instanteously, people hammer their enter buttons on servers just to get in.

Besides new servers I think the mod needs some more optimization to increase loading and character retreival, also yeah the forums load pretty slow most of the time yet the database is under capacity?

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To be honest we NEED more servers' date=' this mod has become a huge success and last night alone all the servers (besides the New Zealand and ANZ) ones were full; this meant there were at current 3000 players actually playing with probably thousands more wanting to connect. Everytime someone disconnects a new player joins practically instanteously, people hammer their enter buttons on servers just to get in.

Besides new servers I think the mod needs some more optimization to increase loading and character retreival, also yeah the forums load pretty slow most of the time yet the database is under capacity?


I know we need more, and I said that in my post. But the whole point is that something (I don't know what, apparently not the central DB) can't handle it all. So I hope the devs will sort it out and then we can crank up the server count.

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If anyone wants to donate a server to host dayZ please email dayzdevteam@gmail.com with Server donation in the title

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The database runs at less than 30% capacity.

Then why did Rocket say it was made for 2x50 slots? :/

If it's only at 30%' date=' I guess this thread can be closed. Guess I was misinformed. Makes me wonder why it's having so much trouble then. Can you maybe elaborate on that?


It used to run on a crappy VPS. Now it doesnt.

Recent upgrade?

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The database runs at less than 30% capacity.

With all due respect' date=' the metric that users care about is how long it takes them to log in, not at what capacity the database is running. As of right now, it still generally takes 5-15 minutes to get past 'waiting for server response' during day/evening US hours, doubly so on the weekend.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I would expect that adding another 2000 user slots will not positively affect log-in times, even if it means that the database only reaches 60% capacity.

I think [i']that is what the OP was getting at with this topic.

I'm not saying I necessarily agree with the idea to stop adding servers - I think the community needs to expand naturally - but I do feel that the OP's concern is a legitimate one. The current log-in times are, let's face it, unacceptable. While of-course there are technical limitations here, it's an alpha, etc... ideally the time to log in should not take more than a few seconds, even at peak times on the weekend.

I do feel that unless something is changed, optimized, upgraded, or whatever needs to be done to lower log-in times, that eventually we will hit an equilibrium where users will not be willing to wait as long and so will stop the growth of servers. For example, most users probably won't be willing to wait 2 hours to log in. Therefore I'm not -too- worried about this being an issue.

I would in any case be curious to hear an official statement by the devs regarding the time it takes to log in. I totally understand that this is an alpha, but looking through the forums I just haven't been able to find their stance on it. Is this a top priority, or are they focusing on other things now, or is this something that simply can't even be changed due to some hard limitation in the engine/system being used?

Anything is fine for me personally, I can wait my 15 minutes to play and totally understand that this kind of stuff takes time in development, I'm just curious if the devs have made an official statement on this subject.

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either way your looking at long load times while the server figures out who you are and tells the game server you just logged into where you were and what to give you.

not sure how you fix that short of distributing your database so the servers all share it p2p style. would speed things up a fair bit and make it much harder to break... or fix if something does break.

hmmm... possibly the very conundrum rocket is working through.

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I don't think it's database capacity that's the problem but bandwidth and processing capacity to respond to so many requests.....

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