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Better melee weapons and more.

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1. An melee weapon slot so that you always have a silent way to take down zombies. I find this great because sometimes I am in cherno and all I have is a lee enfield and i don't want to shoot it for obvious reasons and being able to quickly draw my ax is a lot better than putting my gun in my pack removing ax from tool belt reloading the ax and then killing the zombie.

2. A use for the crowbar. So why not make the crowbar a tool like the ax there is still the one missing tool because radios have no use. It's functionality could be to remove barriers. The way it could be reworked is toolbox to fix cars and remove its functionality to remove barriers. Entrenching tool would be to place barriers and then the crowbar removes barriers.

3. More melee weapons. First off is a sword. Just a simple long sword that would be only found at castles it would be the best melee weapon so that castles finally have a point. Next comes the hunting knife which could be used for silent sneaking kills. Next up would be a sledge hammer which would be slow to use but do a lot of damage. Finally is the entrenching tool which does no damage but knocks people out.

4. A bow and arrow. We have the crossbow but how could we forget the classic hunting bow which would obviously shoot faster than a crossbow but have less range.

5. Car armor. Add a new part for cars called armor which would be metal plates you could add to your windows or open air parts to protect you from those nasty AS-50 snipers.

6. Light sources. I have seen custom servers add generators (they are in game but dont work right now those big blue things you find in some town) so why not make them an actual in game item they would spawn like cars and be found randomly and would have to be hooked up to a car to bring them to locations. Once at the location you can fuel the generator with petrol and you can hook up electrical lamps and stuff. These lamps would be found as random industrial loot.

7. A way to differentiate players. Some type of uniform that you could find then design yourself for your team. Like what about a blank helmet you can find and choose what camo it has on it and make a little selection screen that has like 50 camos for the helmet.

These are my ideas so far. Tell me what you think!

Edited by nomonater
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1. who has a sword anymore? no one, so how would you find one?

2. bow and arrows dont shoot faster than crossbows, but i like the idea

3. you cant remove wirefence with a crowbar...

4. i agree with more melee weapons, a melee weapon would be VERY vital in a apocalypse since its quiet and doesn't take ammo

5. other melee weapons should be a baseball bat, steel pipe, etc

6. generators would be useless as why would you want to light a place up at night? it would make you VERY vulnerable as well as make it easier for zombies to see you. Generators could however be used to secure a location and provide power to run water or power a stove to cook on and create a base

7. uniforms would be a good idea however you would need to collect materials to dye the clothes or paint to paint them

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tbh i think that there are more people that own swords than people that own 1866 Winchesters...Thats just a guess be cause i have never been to Russia or lived in a zombie apacolypse....

I think the idea for Car Armor is awesome and i like the idea of Crowbar being a tool..... i think that a Crowbar has a better chance of removing WIre than something that you get from that little Toolbox

I like the uniform idea too i also like the idea of gather dyes to dye your clothes

I do think that Bow and Arrows shoot faster than Crossbows.

Just my 2 cents.

Edited by TylerG

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Bows do dont shoot faster, they shoot longer, depending on what Bow, Crossbows are made for Armor penetration, naturally closer range with higher velocity, Cars sounds kinda silly, i dont like the sword seems un realistic, im a big fan of the team colour, i bet any money, standalone will include Create a character because its such a big catch in WarZ, and maybe even a customizable load out would be cool, instead of a crummy flashlight..

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1. yes

2. Meh

3. You have me at sledgehammer I might consider replacing my axe to walk around cherno like a juggernaut.

4. Long bow or compound bow? If long bow it would be interesting if the made you find a toolbox and the supplies to string your own bow.

5. I like it I think it wouldnt stop an anti material rifle but would slow down small arms.

6. I'm sure we will see something in the like for SA.

7. I would agree with that for as of now my squad simply picks a safe location and ditches their backpacks so we know who each person is when approaching a raid. Custom and matchable skin additions would be a good addition.

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Well having experience with razor wire and such... A crowbar will not do anything to get rid of it. What you need are small bolt cutters or very very very strong wire cutters. Not to mention youneed these gloves that have metal pieces on the palms cause razor wire will seriously mess you up. I love the more melee weapons except for the sword. Why does everyone want a damn sword... If you want to be some viking warrior hacking and slashing then go play a chivalry or whatever it is. But i do love the sledgehammer. That would be freaking epic.

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I was amazed that you cannot use you hunting knife as a weapon, so the idea of more melee weapons like spiked bats and pipes is awesome

And i think a good use for the crowbar is to use it for prying bits of metal (scrap metal for repairing you hull or sheet metal for armour) off wreaked vehicles and using the pieces to reinforce you car, not so much to stop bullets but to protect the engine from low level crashes into trees and such

Edited by Rubarb7000

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You know that your first and second points cancel each other out right now, right?

I'm all for more melee weapons, but hand-to-hand combat with a zombie should be more dangerous and difficult than it is right now. As it stands, the hatchet's arguably the best anti-zombie weapon in the game. So if melee weapons become more common and easier to use, they'll have to be less effective than the current hatchet, that thing is too awesome. Hunting knife as a secondary, with pistol-level damage, would be a good example.

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