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The Ari-Squad Recuirting

Will you or will you not join this group?  

  1. 1. Will you or will you not join this gruop?

    • Yes, I shall join
    • No, becuase of the age limit
    • No, because of the commander's age
    • No, because of the size (too big or too small)
    • No, becuase of the requirements
    • No, becuase of the complexity
    • No, b3c4us3 c411 0f duty 1s 3p1c 4nd 1 h4v3 420 y010 sw4g

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The Ari-Squad is a Squad of people (Mostly Teens) who play diffrent games together, we are based on TRUE Communism. In DayZ We are bandits.
Games Supported:

Official Survival:


Offical FPS:

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad

Offical RTS:

Starcraft 2

Offical MMO:

Planetside 2

Other Supported Games:



-Shogun 2: FOTS

Future Supported Games:

-Company of Heroes 2

-Battlefield 3

-Battlefield 4

List of Members:
Ari2010: Generalissimus of the Ari-Squad

-Planteside 2

-Red Orchestra 2

-Starcraft 2


-Shogun 2: FOTS

Arsha: Captain


-Planetside 2

-Red Orchestra 2


-Battlefield 3

Liam (Inactive): Sergeant

Trollhead: Lieutenant


-Planetside 2

-Starcraft 2


Kevin: Private



John: Civilian


Requirements are from most important to least:
1. Be able to play at least 2 hours a day
2. Live in the united states or can stay in time zone
4.Has been a gamer for at least 6 months
5.Is a good shot
6.Has at least 2 Ari-Squad supported Games
7.Has skype (Download if you don't have)
8.Has steam (Download if you don't have)
9.Hates Call of Duty
10.Has a mic
Even though we are a squad, in case of expansion or the long term absence of a leader we have a rank system.
Civilian: Does not have the time to contribute, or not enough to, to join the Ari-Squad, however gets access to certain privileges. Even though its still better to be a Private.

Private: Not trusted, meat-shield of the squad.
Sergeant: Knows the basics of the Ari-Squad and can get shit done.
Lieutenant: Lowest level of power. Can only order privates to move and fire, if not conflicting with a higher ranked order.
Captain: Can order Privates, and Sergeants. Can only order to move, fire, leave, and join.
Colonel: A position of great trust and power. Can order all below him to do anything, other than directly or indirectly harm a higher ranking officer, or that going against the best interests of the squad.

Marshal of the Ari-Squad: Second in command, can order all below him to the greatest extent except of that harming the Generalissimus of the Ari-Squad in any way.

Generalissimus of the Ari-Squad: The highest rank and honor in the Soviet Union, granted to Joseph Stalin following World War II, this badge of honor now symbolizes the leader of our glorious squad, the single owner of it has ultimate power over all of the squad.

To apply for the Ari-Squad please send a friend request to Ari2010 on steam to submit your application.
Months/Years Gamed:
Favorite Weapon:
Favorite Game:
Why do you want to join the Squad?:
Favorite Weapon Type:
What type of Government?
Skype Name:
Do you have a mic:

Edited by Ari2010

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