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Hello! and welcome to DayZPrivateHive #1 Whitelist and Feedback Thread!



Sup survivors, bambies, and bandits!

I have been running another server for a little now and I decided to make another main server for my community to enjoy and play on with unique things to it that I could not apply to the older server. I wanted to prevent hackers as much as possible as I am yet to see one on this server but I can't give players the GUARANTEE that a hacker will never be seen because of the anti-hacking tools are not so great ANYWHERE however I have installed Gotcha-Antihacks but it is not the best anti-hack in the world. Gotcha-Antihack will auto-ban people with hacked weapons and teleporting but it doesn't catch all the hackers. It is also connected to community bans list so that some hackers are out of the way. With the whitelist I can guarantee that there is less hackers than a server without whitelist but I cannot say you won't see any what so ever. If your looking for a fresh start on a great brand new server with less hackers and active administrators, then this is the server I suggest to you. The server is still a work in progress and I appreciate any feedback whether good or bad.

My goal pretty much is to make a lag-free, balanced, and hacker free server but I want YOU the players to help me accomplish this goal.

Arma 2: OA Beta Version: 100258

DayZ Version:

Server Settings:

- Veteran

- Waypoints: On

- Crosshair: Off

- Nameplates: Off

- Side Chat: On

- 3rd Person: On

Server Features:

- Private Hive

- Bliss Server

- 100+ Vehicles

- 5+ Helicopters

- Changed Helicopter Loot Tables (Took overpowered weapons like the AS50)

- Added more buildings to multiple areas (more barracks ;D)

- 24/7 Daylight (I'm deciding whether or not to keep this feature because some people like the night please give some feedback about it)

- US Server with low pings.

- 3 Hour restarts (keeps loot fresh and reduces lag.)

Changed Helicopter Loot:

- AS50, M107, and a few extras were removed and were replaced by many new weapons because they were overpowered. (You can still find the M107 at barracks it is just removed for heli crashes)

- Assault Rifles: G36C,K,A, and SD HOLO (non-camo) and one G36a camo. (Any other camo varients of the G36 are hacked and you are bannable if you carry it)

- Pistols: Makarov SD can spawn

- Snipers: L115A3 LRR, M40A3, and SVD

- LMGs: RPK and Some G36s spawn with drum rounds

- Shotguns: Saiga 12K

There are still many of the old helicopter loot but we just added in a couple weapons to expand the server arsenal.

*Anti-Hacking/Cheating Features*

- GUID Whitelisting (See Below)

- Gotcha-Antihacks

- Community Bans list

- DayZ Anti-Hax (Disabled due to false autobans)


- No Cheating what so ever

- No hacking (this is where "don't drop the soap" came from... I suggest you don't do it)

- Do not use game exploits/glitches

- No voice over side chat, please text only.

- No rasicm

- Do not pick up hacked weapons as you will be auto banned no matter where you got them

- Do not pick up weapons from hacked medical boxes if you see them.

- We will usually give a warning about these rules, but if you are obviously breaking the rules intentionally then you will be banned without hesitation.

*Whitelist Instructions* For some reason whitelisting is currently not working you may just enter the server without signing up but you should still sign up to get added when it is working once more.

To get whitelisted you may use our site (currently work in progress so the site is not perfect)


simply follow our instructions below:

Reply to the Thread with your:

1. Player name: (mine would be Clanky)

2. What is your country? (Mine would be America)


How to get your GUID:

Log in to any Arma 2 server that has Battle Eye enabled and use / to type "#beclient GUID" into the chat box and you should be presented your GUID copy it fast!

If it disappears just do that above step again.

I will simply "give you my beans" to show that I have accepted you to the whitelist so I don't have to reply "accepted" all the time.

Edited by ClankyMichael

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Sorry if there is a server shut down we are constantly changing server configurations so that everything is working perfectly

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Anyone really even want the whitelist on? This thread has about 100 views and NOONE signed up for the white-list.

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whitelisting not working again... anyone know a better way to whitelist other than "easy whitelister" or gotcha-antihack?

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