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New player looking for friends

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Hey guys i just downloaded the game last night im lookin to meet some friends who wanna try to suvrivie together and have alot of fun, my Steam is EzekielX19... Thanks.

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Hi Ezekiel! Welcome to dayz. :)

Best to add your time zone, so players know if you'll be around when they're around. Also, what style you're looking to play. Initially, you might just want to meet up and make friends then you might want to try surviving or be a bandit and so on. Have fun! :thumbsup: :beans:

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sorry about that, i live in texas so its Central Time, im just looking for people that will help me with the basics of the game and teach me a few things about it and just want to have fun and fight to survive i also have a headset which is always better to talk to be with. Thanks!

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