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Zombie Respawns...

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I've been having a terrifyingly great time playing what i think is the greatest zombie mod/game ever created. It's not without it's faults, but it's still the most fun I've had since Left 4 Dead was first released (and Day Z surpasses it by leaps and bounds).

Most of the issues are easy to deal with, but there is one that doesn't just get on my nerves, it genuinely impedes progress in the most frustrating way possible. I spend a great deal of time clearing an area of zombies very carefully with my crossbow, i kill a couple, pick up the bolts, kill a couple more and so on, taking very carefully into consideration my positioning, the positioning of all threats, making sure i don't pull extra zombies. I clear the area and my prize is in sight.... But then all of that is for nothing because 3 more spawn right behind me and i have to pull out my makarov and make all kinds of noise killing them and then 6 more come rushing.

For the love of all things holy, can you please not have zombies spawn where zombies were just killed? I take time sweeping through an area clearing it out, using as little ammo as possible and it's negated by what i feel like is a broken mechanic.

This is my only major concern right now.

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Zombies spawn atleast 30 meters (or was it feet?) away from you in 1.7.1.

The problem is the fact that you're using a crossbow, not the zombies spawning behind you.

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The Problem is not the respawning Zombies, it is the way how fast they respawn. I killed about 20 Zombies in an area and in no time the area was full of zombies again.

Common guys, pls let people about 10 minutes so they can search in a cleared area for items. Otherwise it is unrealistic as hell.

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I agree with the realism part, but right now there are waaay to few zombies, if they increased zombie respawn time, there wouldn't be any god damn zombies in this zombie survival simulator. They should increase the respawn time, but they should double, no triple the amount of zombies then, it's so unrealistic that you can run into some of the big cities and there are maybe 1-3 zombies on the street, if you are lucky!

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It would be harder to code, but the size of the area should matter with how many zombies spawn. Cities should be loaded and smaller areas less. I've come across 3-5 buildings in an area with 15+ zombies around it.

Maybe decrease spawn time so you can clear out an area and not have more zombies keep spawning on you. So you have time to search and loot.

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