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How long have you survived?

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I never last long, maybe a couple of days. I think the longest ever was a week maybe. I just can't help hanging around in Cherno waiting for something to happen!

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Problem is, when you've been north for about a few days, you'll either die trying to go down to the coast for supplies, or you'll die in a freak accident, like that Jason vorhees guy, he found me in the middle of the night, he was stood behind me the whole time...

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some hacker with god mode that actually had 3 million blood vs a lone 148 in game hour old hero who stares the hacker in the face and shoots him with 8 or so full m249 mags killing him eventaully. he stood there and took it because he beleived he was invicible... foolish "immortal"

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I'm on day 3 so far on my current char. But I'm scared thats gonna here soon, because I have NO food left D:

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265 days on an inactive character, now. I log in take a screenshot and leave. 21 days with my current character who actually goes out and does stuff.

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