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How long have you survived?

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I play on servers that tend to have between 10-20 people and I'm at day 11 now I believe. Only have around 120 zombie kills though; I may be sitting on all the ammo in the world, but I always try to avoid shooting if I can by just losing zombies... may need to start shooting though as because of an ammo box at a heli crash I have way too many clips >_<

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I play on servers that tend to have between 10-20 people and I'm at day 11 now I believe. Only have around 120 zombie kills though; I may be sitting on all the ammo in the world, but I always try to avoid shooting if I can by just losing zombies... may need to start shooting though as because of an ammo box at a heli crash I have way too many clips >_<

Damn! I've never heard of too many clips! Nice work. Stay safe out there. Take some beans on the road pal!

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Damn! I've never heard of too many clips! Nice work. Stay safe out there. Take some beans on the road pal!

Funny thing is shortly after I posted that I got on with a friend, and we were both shot in the back and killed after raiding Balotta looking for ammo for the SAW he found. They hid my body too, lol. All worked out in the end because a bit later I found a what appeared to be a dead hacker, in that he was geared to the teeth with damn near everything including NVGs and that gun with the thermal scope (which I always wanted to try :D)... so long story short I'm probably going to be playing exclusively on servers where it is the middle of the night until I inevitably get sniped while attempting to loot a high value target by someone else with NVGs.

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Longest I've ever survived is 60 days. But it was excruciatingly boring as the only effective way to survive for more than 1 month is generally avoiding other players as much as possible and staying hidden in the woods. Although it was interesting the first time around playing it like this :P

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The longest I've survived is 9 days. He's still alive right now. I have a DMR, M16A3, PDW, an Alice Pack, and medical supplies. So I'm pretty geared :) I'm still looking for a large coyote backpack though. I WILL CONTINUE THE SEARCH! :P

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I was having a lot of fun on a server, picking away at zeds all the days of the week. I think my guy was alive for 10 days or so with ~1600 kills when the server went down. :/ such is day z life...

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I average somewhere between 20-30 days, at which time I generally do something stupid like drop a grenade at my feet, or go afk and come back to a corpse.

One does not simply "go afk" in DayZ...

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I was having a lot of fun on a server, picking away at zeds all the days of the week. I think my guy was alive for 10 days or so with ~1600 kills when the server went down. :/ such is day z life...

that sucks. But hell that is an impressive kill count!

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100 days. Just lost my As50 and car. :(

Ouch. Don't worry though, you'll be okay just keep surviving!

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The longest I've survived is 9 days. He's still alive right now. I have a DMR, M16A3, PDW, an Alice Pack, and medical supplies. So I'm pretty geared :) I'm still looking for a large coyote backpack though. I WILL CONTINUE THE SEARCH! :P

Nice. You're fit to survive for another 10 years or longer!

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Longest I've ever survived is 60 days. But it was excruciatingly boring as the only effective way to survive for more than 1 month is generally avoiding other players as much as possible and staying hidden in the woods. Although it was interesting the first time around playing it like this :P

Those are the same techniques I use now. I generally stay away from big cities to avoid bandits and large amounts of zombies. I tend to stick near the woods(One time I got lucky and found an AK74 in a deer stand) It can be tough to avoid people sometimes, though I never came across one before. I have encountered dead ones alongside the road.

Good luck out there and cool story :D

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Funny thing is shortly after I posted that I got on with a friend, and we were both shot in the back and killed after raiding Balotta looking for ammo for the SAW he found. They hid my body too, lol. All worked out in the end because a bit later I found a what appeared to be a dead hacker, in that he was geared to the teeth with damn near everything including NVGs and that gun with the thermal scope (which I always wanted to try :D)... so long story short I'm probably going to be playing exclusively on servers where it is the middle of the night until I inevitably get sniped while attempting to loot a high value target by someone else with NVGs.

Pesky bandits! Well I hope you survive once more. Kill all those sons of bitches that shoot you in the back pal!

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I only go by the the hours soooo my longest life has to be 2 days....

Good start, hope you find some awesome gear to make your survival last longer. Best of luck to you sir!

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I've been alive for around 3 weeks now, got my 4 Ak-74's to equip a little army, M4A1 with 20+ Stanag/SD, a FN FAL for the worst situations, 3 tents to keep everything safe but no medical supplies appart from bandages, 1 can of food and a bottle of water...and I'm stuck at the NW airfield. Time is running short!

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I've been alive for around 3 weeks now, got my 4 Ak-74's to equip a little army, M4A1 with 20+ Stanag/SD, a FN FAL for the worst situations, 3 tents to keep everything safe but no medical supplies appart from bandages, 1 can of food and a bottle of water...and I'm stuck at the NW airfield. Time is running short!

Hang in there comrade! You can make it!!!

Good luck!

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Hang in there comrade! You can make it!!!

Good luck!

Haha thank you! A risky trip across to Berezino for some supplies may be needed!

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Great stories so far guys!

Edited by brandokid25

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Haha thank you! A risky trip across to Berezino for some supplies may be needed!

Wow that is one long hike. I hope you make it there! There is 2 supermarkets in Berezino.

Best of luck to you sir!

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I had a friend that survived for 3 months, when he died by a scripter when he was extracting me out of NW airfield. We both died, as well as anyone else who entered NW Airfield. We could tell it was a scripter because of the way our bones broke and how we both died with no shots in us or anything, in the pitch darkness wielding no light sources except my friend who had on NVGs.

His name was snowcrash.

I myself get too bored of being on the same life and suicide usually.

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My main hive character must be nearing 100 days, lol. Pretty much waiting for the foundation build and only really play private hives when I do get on these days. xD

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I forgot about my main hive character. He's probably old and grey now, living in the woods as a hermit.

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I had a friend that survived for 3 months, when he died by a scripter when he was extracting me out of NW airfield. We both died, as well as anyone else who entered NW Airfield. We could tell it was a scripter because of the way our bones broke and how we both died with no shots in us or anything, in the pitch darkness wielding no light sources except my friend who had on NVGs.

His name was snowcrash.

I myself get too bored of being on the same life and suicide usually.

Wow 3 months is a long time! That sucks how the scripter killed you. I hope you have better survival in the future friend!

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My main hive character must be nearing 100 days, lol. Pretty much waiting for the foundation build and only really play private hives when I do get on these days. xD

Great work surviving that long! Good luck friend!

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