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}DRZ{ Dirty Rat'Z are looking to add a few more survivors QC/Can/US/UK

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The Dirty Rat'Z are Looking to build a small scale clan arround a core of veterans survivors / bandits. We are looking for More Dirty Rat'z for Ambushes on : High Traffic roads / High loots areas and various key points in Cherno. We will  Play and support  #1 US CANADA QC server/community. I play late so i expect the peoples arround me to play late... "We Kill to survive" , just to make it clear , that includes killing for upgrades ect. (no  fresh spawn killing tho.) We are Serious and mature. We own a Ventrilo for comm. system. We are looking to play with certain roles in the crew Sniper , spotter , medic ...

The Dirty Rat'Z Cherche des joueurs Quebecois et Anlgais.
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Player name :

Age :


Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....)

Are you a veteran in DayZ ?

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.)

Steam Name :

If things are serious we might have an official bandit bandit base.

We will contact you via steam you after you applied.
On va vous contact via steam apres votre application.
Contact Alucard~Nasty on Steam for more info
Contactez Alucard~Nasty sur Steam pour plus d'info

Thank you !

Merci !

Edited by Alucardnasty

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Player name : Thunder Pig

Age : 20

Country: USA

Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....) Sniper

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? Yes, other account 150+ hours of gameplay

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.) DMR - because it is faster to range if you know how to use it, ammo is fairly easy to find, it can be used as a decent CQ weapon if needed

Steam Name : Gam3aholic

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Player name : Nuzzle

Age : 32


Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....) Either, can fly and or sharpshoot.

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? Play time around 400 hours..but arma and arma 2 for years

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.)For me I prefer the DMR at night(nvgs). Though it is effective in almost all situations. M24 for the ranging. A good team can make all the difference on what sniper is better for what application.

Steam Name : roscoegrinde

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Player name : Zer0

Age : 22

Country: Canada

Role you want to play : mainly sniper but could role with anything

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? played about 200 hours

DMR or M24 : DMR mainly because of nvgs/CQ

Steam Name : Codester006

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Player name Benas:

Age :20

Country: Lithuanian (GMT+2)

Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....) Any but medic :D

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? Abouth 150-200H Play time

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.) I prefer both DMR long range bether for area scans, not that good for close encounters. M24 Big mag can kill many players in one mag good for close encounters. (Both hawe they +/- it depens on play style)

Steam Name :nofearl

Edited by Benutis

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  On 12/30/2012 at 3:56 PM, Alucardnasty said:

Benas check your steam :)

i think you inv wrong guy :)

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Player name : zOmnicyde

Age : 13

Country: United States

Role you want to play : I can be a medic or support

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? : My steam time counter is 284 hours. Take away 50 or so for non DayZ for around 234 hours.

DMR or M24 : Chernarus: M24, its a presicion sniper that, unlike the DMR, is capable of zeroing. Its mags can be compactly stored as DMR mags until needed

Lingor: DMR, in Lingor the DMR can be zeroed (like the M24) but has 20 shots in a mag.

Steam Name : zOmnicyde

Edited by zOmnicyde

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Player name : zc0der

Age : 22

Country: Canada

Role you want to play : Sniper, LMG

Are you a veteran in DayZ ?: ~60 hours play time

DMR or M24 : I prefer the DMR over the M24. The high rate of fire, NVG compatibility and mag size are all benefits. I also find the DMR a bit more versatile with the two zoom levels allowing to engage close or distant targets. Zeroing capability doesn't matter much to me as the mil-dots are easy to use.

Steam Name : zc0der

Edited by zoomcoder

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Player name :


Age :




Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....)


Are you a veteran in DayZ ?

Yes been playing since June.

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.)

DMR more experience using it. Understand the milldot system as well with the DMR. Give me an AS50!

Steam Name:


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Player name : Armageddon

Age : 18

Country: United States

Role you want to play : Medic or support

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? ive been playing dayz since it first came out.. i know the game like the back of my hand

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.) Between the two rifles i would go with the DMR.. My reason being is the rifle has the capability to be used at night, its ammo is easy to find, the damage is 8000 so its the perfect gun to hit a player with and have them go unconscious so you can take another shot once they are down

Steam Name : zzayers123

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Player name : Phix

Age : 14

Country: Ireland

Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....) Sniper

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? No havent been paying that long but I used to play arma 2 on old account befor i cot hacked.

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.) DMR, not only does it have a large clip it has a fast fire rate which comes in helpful when up against a croud of zombies, also nightvison works with the DMR making it good in dark scenarios.

Steam Name : bingo4u

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We are still looking for bandits , we need gunners and supports at this point!!

Thnk you all for your interests !

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Player name : Mr Skin

Age : 18

Country: UK

Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....) I'm a sniper

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? i would say im pretty skilled

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.) m24, I use zeroing to snipe, DMR is not a great sniper

Steam Name : bubbagee3

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Player Name = MAYNARDgums

Age = 13 Country = UK Role You Want To Play = MachineGunner, Driver Are You a Veteran in DayZ? = Played around 160 hours probably, have two accounts. DMR or M24 = DMR, the first sniper I used, it just feels good, good for scoping out an area etc SteamName = MAYNARDgums

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Player name : Morgan

Age : 17

Country: United States

Role you want to play : ( medics , sniper ....) Sniper Scout

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? Yes

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.) DMR faster rate of fire which means it can be used at closer range

Steam Name : GingerNinja

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Player name : -Collin or Collin

Age : 15


Role you want to play : Sniper or assault. I can also fly/drive

Are you a veteran in DayZ ? Yes, been playing since may

DMR or M24 : ( explain why.)DMR for the knock out and NVG

Steam Name :aka_collin

Edited by -Collin

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Player Name: Cpt. Crash

Age: 14

Role you want to play: If any, Recon, Scout, anything quiet.

Are you a Veteran in DayZ: Yes, been playing almost since the beginning.

DMR or M24: (explain why.) Well whichever one I find first pretty much, but usually M24. Reason being is that I can store more mags and be pretty organized with the combine for M24 mags and what not. Also, since I only have 5 bullets in one mag, I tend to hit my shots more, knowing that they must count. Its also easier with the zeroing. DMR is also good because of the NVG use.

Steam Name: domsdayz.

Edited by D3LTA 3CHO

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