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Looking to make a Two Man Clan

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I'm interested in making a clan that is operatable with small, normally two man, squads. The reason for this is that most people can more easily understand and work with one other person, not five. Right now it is just an experiment and if you would like to participate follow the forum below.

Prefered name:

Skype name:

Arma II name:





How often do you play:

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Neil deGrasse Tyson


EST (+5)

United States (IN)

Scouting, strategizing, stealth.

At least once a day for a good amount of time (3-4 hours)

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Prefered name: lane

Skype name: lamabamalane

Arma II name: lane reeves (trying to change it)

Age: 14

Timezone: US/ eastern

Country: US

Skills: I have great stratedgy

How often do yo u play: 2-5 hours a day

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Im looking for a group too, maybe 2 or 3 players big, if you are interested just add me on skype: scritic

Prefered name: Scritic

Skype name: Scritic

Arma II name: Scritic

Age: 15

Timezone: EST

Country: US

Skills: Not anything to particular... I guess flying and driving, I tend to suck in the heat of the moment haha...

How often do you play:Ussually on everyday for 2-3 hours,

Edited by ScriticXD

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Prefered name: Brainsfree

Skype name: Brains.free

Arma ll name: Brainsfree

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Country: USA

Skills: Great with an Assault weapon and can take out gourps of 2 to 4 by my self

How often do u play: Weekends after 12pm all day till 2am lol

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Prefered name: Rpatto92

Skype name:CounterStrikeUnit

Arma II name:Rpatto92




Skills:Proficient scavenger, pilot, driver and reasonably sniper.

How often do you play:Most days; usually in the evening GMT: 4:00pm to around 12:00am

Hey I'm forming a steam group; add or contact me using the info bellow.

Contact info:



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